Remus/Lily/James -- Midwinter's Night (NC-17)

Jul 15, 2005 00:45

Title: Midwinter's Night
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Lily/James
Kink(s): threesome
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day twenty-five
Words: 1691
Notes: Written for tamony_lenore. I finally wrote her prompt that she asked for when I requested pairings and prompts to jumpstart my writing muses. Hon, this is for you.

Repost of the LMoMM fic - day twenty-five

It was freezing outside and the interior of the castle wasn't much warmer than the exterior. Even with the trip from the Entrance Hall to Gryffindor Tower, bits of snow still clung to Remus's cloak like drops of diamonds on a black field.

His walk outside had done nothing to improve his mood. Usually, when Remus went for a walk in the freshly fallen snow, he always returned with a smile on his face and all the problems of the world would melt away like the snow on his cloak. Today, however, was not one of those days. When Remus returned, his mood hadn't improved at all and if anything he appeared more sullen and pissed off than when he left. He stomped through the commons; people moving out of his way without a word. It wasn't often that Remus wore such a dark look and his house mates knew enough not to bother him.

At least Sirius wasn't around, as far as Remus could see. Thank Merlin for small favours. Remus didn't think he could handle speaking with the object of his anger just yet.

"Moony, what's gotten into you?"

So much for the small favours.

"Sirius," Remus said, dropping any form of endearment usually reserved for him, "I'm cold, wet and very pissed off; at you no less," he added as almost an afterthought. "I'd advise you to get the hell out of my way and for you not to look at, speak to, or even touch me until I've cooled off."

"I thought you said you were cold," Sirius said with half a smirk, hoping to earn forgiveness from Remus through laughter.

Remus narrowed his eyes at Sirius, not amused by his joke. He pushed past Sirius without a word, his refusal to even reply to Sirius speaking volumes.

Remus. Was. Pissed.

Sirius wisely let him go and didn't try to follow him upstairs to try and make amends. This wasn't the first time Remus had been upset with him for some reason or another and the other boy would come around in his own good time. Until then, Sirius would attempt to give him his space.

Upstairs, Remus let his cloak fall from his shoulders in a wet pile on the floor beside his bed. The snowflakes had melted while he stood in the common room with Sirius and now the wet wool had felt like a lead weight around his shoulders. Off felt better and, uncharacteristically for Remus, he left the cloak where it had fallen on the floor. The only thing on his mind at the present was getting into bed and getting warm again.

"Feels colder in here than it does outside," Remus mumbled to himself, his teeth chattering.

Though he was freezing, his tie and Oxford shirt were removed next and tossed onto the floor with his cloak. Remus always hated sleeping in his clothes (which explained why he was mostly disrobing while he was freezing) but he had no desire to dress for sleep at four in the afternoon. His uniform trousers would serve as appropriate sleepwear for now.

He drew back the curtains around his bed to see James and Lily lying there together. Brilliant. Remus snarled, his mood going from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.

"Can't you two fuck in your own bed?" Remus growled, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Lily smiled, scootching over in Remus's bed. Instantly, Remus went on his guard as something suddenly didn't seem right. They should have been apologising, not... moving over to make room for him.

Bloody hell.

"We could have," Lily said with a coy smile, "but what if we were waiting here for you?"

Remus shook his head. "Don't do this right now. I'm not in the mood for jokes, games or whatever the hell you think this is. Just get out and leave me to warm up in peace."

"No, Remus," James said softly. "Come here and let us warm you up."

James sat up from behind Lily, the covers slipping to pool around his waist and reveal bare skin. Remus had a vague feeling James (and most likely Lily as well) was completely nude underneath his blankets. His chest tightened, eyes drawn to James's chest momentarily. In the back of his mind, old scenes played out like a movie: remembrances of when he and James had experimented together not two years ago. There had been a time when James had been his... and now James was Lily's and that was that. But now... what they were offering...?

This was something he did not need right now. He wanted to hold onto his anger, not feel it dissipate from the promise of sex.

"No... I can't..." Remus whispered, backing away a few steps.

Lily sat up this time, the covers falling away from her chest to reveal small breasts, her nipples erect when hit by the cold air. Remus swallowed hard, his eyes travelling up the distance from her chest to her face, feeling his face grow warm. She extended her hand to Remus, tossing the covers back to reveal (as he suspected) a completely nude body.

"We want you with us, Remus," Lily said, her green eyes shining. "James told me you two had been together once upon a time." The blush on Remus's face darkened slightly. "And," she continued, "you and I both know the tension that's existed between us for some time. Please, Remus... come to us."

Curling her fingers into her palm then extending them a second time, Lily extended her hand to Remus once again. His eyes flicked to James briefly who was just smiling.

"You... you would share her?" Remus asked, his libido beginning to speak rather than his common sense.

James simply smiled. "Only with you."

Remus knew he shouldn't have. Common sense said to turn around and leave; leave the madness behind him. Yet, his hands went against all common sense, removing his trousers as they joined the growing pile of clothes by his bed. Before he could stop himself, Remus slid into the bed beside Lily, lightly kissing her on the lips before he leaned over her to kiss James as well.

"You see, James?" Lily asked with a smile. "I knew our Remus would have the good sense to join us." She ran her hands over Remus's chest; his skin felt as if it was on fire wherever she touched him.

Good sense?

Lily looked back and forth between James and Remus, settling herself between the two. She wrapped her hands around each of their cocks, stroking them to full hardness. Both males groaned under her touch, but it was James who wriggled out from under Lily's hand first.

It was James who changed their positions. He picked Lily up, his hands on her hips and moved her over Remus to straddle him. James moved behind Lily, kneeling behind her; his knees on either side of Remus's thighs.

He bit down lightly on the juncture between her shoulder and neck, soothing the bite with his tongue as he placed kisses along the curve of her neck and up to her earlobe. James took the lobe into his mouth, tugging on it lightly with his teeth. Straddled over his hips, Lily moaned and writhed, leaning back against James as Remus's hands trailed over her thighs, loving the dual sensations.

"Want to be between us, Lily?" James whispered, his breath hot in her ear.

Lily moved Remus's hands from her thighs, leading them up her stomach to cup her breasts. She rocked against him, eyes closed and looking completely wanton between the two men.

"Yes," she said, rocking backwards and rubbing against James just right so that his cock rubbed against the cleft of her arse.

James directed them into better positions. Remus didn't question, nor did he want to know why James had this knowledge. He couldn't think beyond the basest of thoughts, and that singular thought was to bury himself inside Lily and to see James enter her from behind; and the thought of her between them like that made him impossibly hard.

Lily slid forward onto Remus's cock as James pushed into her from behind. She moaned softly, her moans almost sounding like a whimper until both boys were completely inside her.

For a moment, Remus came back to himself. This was Lily... good, studious, Head Girl Lily... this did not compute.

The thought left him when she began to move between them. Remus's body began to take over at that point, thrusting into her from the front while James moved into her from behind. Lily writhed between them, her earlier whimpers of pain turning to moans of pure pleasure as she adjusted to the feeling of two cocks inside her.

James leaned forward over Lily's shoulder to kiss Remus open-mouthed. They kissed while they fucked her and at some point during the whole affair, something changed in Remus. His mind caught up to his body, and his mind began to like what his body was feeling. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

That was his last thought before Lily cried out with her orgasm, taking both James and Remus with her. They collapsed onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, covered in a sheen of sweat; the smell of sex hanging heavy in the air.

"Warm enough now, Remus?" James asked, chuckling softly as he curled against Remus's side.

Remus smiled, happily sandwiched between Lily and James. "For now, yes... but we may need to repeat this soon. I can feel myself getting chilled again."

"Two gorgeous guys in my bed now," Lily said with a contented sigh after Remus had spoken. "Whatever am I going to do with myself?"

Remus smiled, flicking his tongue across her nipple, making her writhe beside him. The idea of a ménage à trois no longer seemed so appalling. In fact, Remus was beginning to find himself warming up to the idea. He certainly had warmed up in his bed; in more ways than one.

"I'm sure you'll think of something."


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