Remus/Snape -- Payment (NC-17)

Jul 15, 2005 00:43

Title: Payment
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Snape
Kink(s): rough-ish sex
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day twenty-four
Words: 1983
Notes: Repost of the LMoMM fic - day twenty-four

It had been nearly six months since Remus willingly left Hogwarts that he found him back at the school again and in the dungeons of his most favourite man in the entire school. Remus ran a hand through his tawny hair, looking up at the closed door to Snape's office. The last thing he really wanted to do at the present was knock on the door and engage in any sort of conversation with Severus.

But the simple fact existed that it had to be done and whether he liked it or not, he was going to have to knock and talk and... dare he even say, ask for a favour.

Perhaps it was the asking for a favour that scared Remus the most.

He had no idea what Snape would ask for to call it in. And even worse, it wouldn't have to be immediate either. Bloody hell, but he could be indebted to Snape for a very long time; until Snape decided to call in the favour and release him from his predicament.

The kind thing to do would be to call a favour in as soon as it was offered. Oh no; not Professor Severus Snape. No, Snape would wait until the worst possible moment and then call the favour in and it would come at a time when things were next to impossible for Remus; just so his life would become that much more difficult.

Yes, Snape could be a right old bastard when he wanted to be.

Without even realising his arm had moved from his side, Remus had his hand raised; poised and ready to knock on the door. He knew there was no turning back; Severus was expecting him after all. Closing his eyes, his fate sealed, Remus knocked thrice.

"About time you showed up, Lupin." Snape's voice came from within the office, muffled slightly by the heavy door. Remus winced, feeling like a lowly fifth year about to be chastised by a professor rather than a thirty-six year old man. "I began to wonder if you were going to come at all. Come in before I really lose my patience."

"My apologies," Remus replied softly as he opened the door. "But you said three o'clock. It's five to."

"Don't talk back to me. You're the one who needs something from me, not the other way around."

Remus swallowed hard, and then walked into the office, shutting the door behind him. Snape's office was the stuff of nightmares. Jars of every shape and size containing various potions ingredients lined the walls; some of which were so old and discoloured that one couldn't discern what was inside anymore.

"I know why you're here, Lupin, so we can cut the small-talk that would precede your asking, nay, begging that I brew the potion for you," Snape said, taking the upper hand from the first.

Alright, so if he wanted to play the evil bastard role, Snape was welcome to it.

"Fine," Remus said, his face growing hard. "I need more of the Wolfsbane Potion and you're the only one I trust to make it." The instant the words left Remus's mouth, he wondered just why he trusted Snape in the first place. With the hostility in the room, he half wondered if Snape would slip silver shavings into the potion just to be rid of him.

And if the thought crossed his mind, Remus had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach; one he just couldn't place.

"I told you, you didn't have to ask," Snape said, rising from his chair. "I knew why you owled and why you were coming and the potion is already brewed."

Remus frowned. He didn't like this, nor did he like the look in Snape's eyes suddenly. Remus drew his cloak around himself as if feeling a sudden draft in the Dungeons.

"Then why have me come down. You could have just sent me the potion then," Remus said, making sure to keep a fair amount of space between himself and Snape.

Snape's eyes flicked down Remus's body, a movement that somehow seemed so uncharacteristic for the man as it seemed sexual in nature. Instinctively, Remus backed away from Snape, moving until his back was flush with one of the potion counters in the room. He glanced behind himself quickly to make sure there was nothing on the table that would burn, scald, cause a rash or anything else that could possibly harm his person brewing in the cauldron behind him. Remus was relieved to see it completely empty. One thing out of the way and he could turn his attention back to Snape.

"I could have, but I didn't," Snape said slowly, a smile sliding across his face when he saw how uncomfortable he was making Remus. "We must discuss... payment. And such discussions are best done in person."

Remus froze. Payment?

"What payment, Severus?" Remus asked. "While I was at Hogwarts you simply supplied the Potion."

"That was because I was under orders to do so. Now, you are of no danger to anyone but yourself on the Full Moons. There are no children to protect anymore. You need it and me to ease your own pain and nothing more." Snape paused, letting that sink in.
Worst of all, Remus had to admit it was true.

"Fine, you've made your point," Remus said, swallowing hard. "What payment are you expecting that I could only give you in person?"

Stepping towards Remus once again, Snape closed the distance between them. With his back to the one counter, Remus realised he had no place to go. He was effectively trapped. Snape captured Remus's face in his hands, and that was when Remus knew he was in trouble. He froze, eyes wide; waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Your payment to me is that I will take you, here and now, before your lover has a chance to return to you. I will be the one to enter you before he can and your first memories of being with him again... you'll think of me first."

Remus narrowed his eyes. "You bastard."

Snape merely smiled, gesturing to where the next supply of Wolfsbane Potion sat, waiting for Remus. "It's your choice, Lupin. I'm not the one who needs the potion."

His eyes narrowed further. "I say again, you bastard."

Snape tightened his grip on Remus's chin, almost to the point of pain. "Watch what you call into question, wolf. I don't even have to brew this for you anymore. I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart."

Remus wrenched his face away from Snape. "No, you're doing it out of the desire to make my life a living hell as you have no access to Black at the present. Not to mention still being pissed off that I got the Defence post last year."

Whirling around, Snape put his wand out, pointing it at the potion, threatening to destroy the cauldron.

"Don't push me, Lupin. I'll do it."

"I have no doubt of that, Severus," Remus replied calmly.

"So what's your final decision?"

Remus was trapped and they both knew it. He needed the potion if he was ever to get a job but more importantly just so the moons would pass easier. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place and hated it even more that Snape had put him there.


The words slipped from Remus's mouth as if a foreigner said them. He felt the breath leave his body as if he had signed his name on the dotted line for the devil. Remus turned around quickly, bracing his hands on the counter that was behind him. He didn't want to see the look on Snape's face; a look that most likely shone with triumph. Once again, Snape had found a way to show his hatred of Sirius and this time, he was using Remus as his tool.

The hands on his hips felt strange; they were a different size and shape than the hands he remembered from years ago. Desperately, he clung to as many memories of Sirius as he could, but with every touch of Snape's hands on his body, the memories became dimmer and dimmer.

Remus was only vaguely aware of his trousers and shorts being pulled down far enough to expose his arse to Snape. He tensed initially but forced himself to relax. He would not give Snape the satisfaction of hearing any shouts of pain come from his mouth.

The sound of a zipper being pulled came from behind Remus and he knew Snape was exposing himself. There was a brief moment of curiosity when Remus wanted to turn around and look at him, but he refrained. The less he remembered of this moment, the better. Hopefully it would make it easier to forget.

Almost instantly after, Remus felt his insides stretch and change; preparing for Snape's entrance. Trust the man to use a spell to prepare the bottom. Remus's hands gripped the edge of the counter until his knuckles turned white.

He knew he was screwed... and for once, it was in the literal sense.

The head of Snape's cock was an unwelcome intrusion, or so his mind said. His body, on the other hand, seemed to suddenly start a war with his mind; welcoming the feel of a cock inside him. Remus pushed his hips backwards, impaling himself on Snape's erection, and instantly the comparisons between the two men began. Sirius was larger, thicker... and while Snape may have been smaller, his body still reacted much the same. It wanted this, no matter how he cried out against it.

Snape began the rhythm between them, slow at first as if unsure of his movements (or if Remus would hex him for this), but he began to pick up his pace, his thrusts slamming into Remus from behind. Remus's legs grew weak from the sheer pleasure his body took from the onslaught and it was only Snape's hands on his hips that kept him from collapsing against the counter.

The counter was at an odd angle though, and with each thrust of his hips forward, Remus's cock rubbed painfully against the edge of the countertop. Seeing this, Snape, wrapped his hand around Remus's cock as if protecting it from the sharp wooden edge. Remus breathed a thank you, tossing his head back onto Snape's shoulder.

Snape had stamina; that much was for certain. He stroked Remus in time with his thrusts, his mouth moving along the neck Remus offered.

"Harder," Remus growled under his breath, his voice sounding like it belonged to someone else. "I'm not going to break. Just fuck me, Snape."

Snape thrust deep inside Remus, hitting just there repeatedly with his strokes. The pleasure/pain was almost unbearable and soon Remus came, calling out (to his horror) Snape's name as he spilled onto Snape's hand. Snape buried himself as deep inside Remus as he could, coming not but a moment later.

Their hips slowed until they were standing still. Remus knew when he pulled his hands away that the imprint of the countertop would run across his palms. Worst of all, Remus knew that deep down, he had enjoyed it.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it, Lupin?" Snape asked, drawing away from him and doing up his trousers.

"Fuck you, Snape," Remus growled.

Snape didn't reply. He didn't have to. They both knew what he would have said, so the breath would have been wasted.

Remus did up his trousers, horrified that he had taken pleasure from Snape. He took the offered potion and fled the dungeons, leaving Hogwarts as quickly as he could. Snape watched the door close behind Remus, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"See you in six months, Lupin," Snape said to the closed door. "See you in six months."


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