vri2ka! 2hit, y0u aren't dead? i wa2 h0ping... thank2 t0 y0u we had a big rumble 0ver y0ur respite bl0ck, 2ince eridan wanted the alchemiter are y0u m0ving in there again?
Does the title God Tier mean nothing to you???????? I can't die! Man, you should have seen it. I was fighting Jack! He isn't that tough, I was totally winning.
[There's a minute or so pause before she types more.]
Nope! I'm pretty sure I'm not 8ack to stay. So who took it? My hive, I mean.
really? y0u can die, y0u kn0w, if it'2 ju2t 0r her0ic. anyway j0hn wa2 really br0ken up ab0ut it, i2 all i'm 2aying. karkat and i t00k it, but we didn't m0ve in, we ju2t l0cked it up and gave all y0ur 2hit away.
yeah, t0 be h0ne2t i d0n't give a 2hit ab0ut that. it wa2 2till pretty crappy to aband0n y0ur mate2prit with a n0te. but that'2 ju2t the way y0u are, i gue22.
Not that it's any of your 8usiness, 8ut I didn't have a lot of time when I left! This dum8 city chooses when you leave and 8aaaaaaaarely gives you any time when the doors 8ack to our timeline opens.
I don't really care if you cut me any slack, Captor. 8ut may8e you'll see someday when this city decides it's your time to go and you have leave your precious m8sprit 8ehind!
if i d0n't have a ch0ice, i d0n't. but thing2 will be different if i g0 back, 2ince i w0n't be blind and i have my p0wer2. 20meh0w i d0ubt the timeline w0uld let that happen.
I'm willing to 8et everything you got 8ack here won't stay when you leave! I couldn't even remem8er this place when I went 8ack. It was like I'd never 8een here.
8ut it happens a lot! 8etter get used to it, Captor.
2hit, y0u aren't dead?
i wa2 h0ping...
thank2 t0 y0u we had a big rumble 0ver y0ur respite bl0ck, 2ince eridan wanted the alchemiter
are y0u m0ving in there again?
I can't die! Man, you should have seen it. I was fighting Jack! He isn't that tough, I was totally winning.
[There's a minute or so pause before she types more.]
Nope! I'm pretty sure I'm not 8ack to stay.
So who took it? My hive, I mean.
y0u can die, y0u kn0w, if it'2 ju2t 0r her0ic.
anyway j0hn wa2 really br0ken up ab0ut it, i2 all i'm 2aying.
karkat and i t00k it, but we didn't m0ve in, we ju2t l0cked it up and gave all y0ur 2hit away.
........Eg8ert's still here, right?
he'2 2till here, yeah.
it wa2 2till pretty crappy to aband0n y0ur mate2prit with a n0te.
but that'2 ju2t the way y0u are, i gue22.
This dum8 city chooses when you leave and 8aaaaaaaarely gives you any time when the doors 8ack to our timeline opens.
20 y0u had a chance t0 leave and t00k it?
well, i pr0mi2ed my mate2prit i'd never d0 that t0 him.
I didn't have a choice a8out leaving. ::::/
well, i hate t0 cut y0u any 2lack, but i gue22 y0u had 20me mitigating circum2tance2.
8ut may8e you'll see someday when this city decides it's your time to go and you have leave your precious m8sprit 8ehind!
but thing2 will be different if i g0 back, 2ince i w0n't be blind and i have my p0wer2.
20meh0w i d0ubt the timeline w0uld let that happen.
I couldn't even remem8er this place when I went 8ack. It was like I'd never 8een here.
20 i w0n't '2ee' anything if i get 2ent back t0 that hell.
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