
Oct 01, 2011 09:08

what the actual fuck.
where did all the2e pe0ple c0me fr0m?
yeah i've read a bunch 0f p02t2 20 i kn0w what'2 g0ing 0n, but that d0e2n't actually explain why milli0n2 0f pe0ple ju2t fucking 2h0wed up apparently t0 t0ur 0ur pri20n and laugh at u2 like 20me kind 0f fucking 2ide2h0w.
if any0ne want2 me, i'm in my re2pite bl0ck 2tudi0u2ly ign0ring the w0rld'2 exi2tence.

this is stupid, 4th wall, depressive phase, deal with it

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