some random stuff

Sep 13, 2007 18:06

I don't care for Bendis as a superhero comic writer. I don't care much for the Avengers outside of the Silver Age/Early Bronze Age. I did really enjoy the Ultimates however.

But can you really call splitting the Avengers up into two books "balkanization"? (Isn't that word silly to use outside a geopolitical context. It certainly doesn't work as literary commentary on underware perverts.)

It seems to me that the Avengers have been split up into separate books since 1984, that is not the fault of Bendis. It is the result of Marvel Comics trying to cash in on a franchise. Call the guy out on his bad characters and insane attempts at MTV'ing or Tarantino'ing comics. But you cannot really blame the guy for something editorial and management spun out to strip mine the existing fanbase. It is no more his fault then it was Roger Stern's.

P.S. Everyone should check out my most totally radical post today on scans_daily
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