Eww? Goodness, Brienne Lee. Give yourself some credit!
The state of Florida deems me unable to operate a motor vehicle legally without the use of corrective lenses. Haha.
I had no idea my vision was so poor until I put my glasses on for the first time. Even through my tears, I could finally read signs, and most importantly, see faces. Did you know there are craters on the moon? And street lights are made from hundreds of little reflective dots? Grass isn't just a carpet of itchy green crap - There are tiny, individual blades in that stuff, with something fantastic happening on every one! Thanks, Brienne Lee. Without you telling me, "It's just a poof!" I'd still be, well, blind.
oh my goodness mandi! im so proud of you. you finally went! now you can actually see what youre taking all those awesome pictures of : ) you should post a pic of your new fantabulous look. i cant wait til friday : P
I find, with any human being, getting a good picture is pretty tough! And, I think it's only fair, to the subject, who is pleading that no pictures be taken of her, to purge the camera of any bad photographs before they can become public. I should only hope someone would do the same for me.
have fun at the eye docs today! now maybe youll actually be able to see at night : P
The state of Florida deems me unable to operate a motor vehicle legally without the use of corrective lenses. Haha.
I had no idea my vision was so poor until I put my glasses on for the first time. Even through my tears, I could finally read signs, and most importantly, see faces. Did you know there are craters on the moon? And street lights are made from hundreds of little reflective dots? Grass isn't just a carpet of itchy green crap - There are tiny, individual blades in that stuff, with something fantastic happening on every one! Thanks, Brienne Lee. Without you telling me, "It's just a poof!" I'd still be, well, blind.
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