Brittana Moments [Sectionals-Bad Reputation]

May 07, 2011 15:49

More Brittana Moments for those interested.



Oh show, how I love thee when you are this quality.

The lines that made them officially canon; “Sex is not dating” followed by “If it were Santana and I would be dating”. At which point I feel like I am getting laid off, it’s no longer subtext. I have no job here, it is all there. It is all maintext and it is all pretty damn obvious. But I am too deep into this to stop now.

So lets look at the reactions to that revelation. Starting with Santana who is momentarily stunned, terror flashing across her eyes before she quickly gets her shit together and retorts. And boy does she retort. Not only does she steer them back on topic of Quinn’s pregnancy, but she also manages to deliver a warning in the same breath. Her exact words are; “Look I don’t want to rock the boat. Since Quinn’s got pregnant I am the top dog around here”. She successfully reminds them what they should be talking about and at the same time she brings up her own status. Making sure none of them forget she is the top bitch at that school and that they better not cross her path by blabbing their mouths.

Brittany’s reaction to her own words is much more tentative. I actually haven’t made up my mind whether or not her confession was unintentional or not. I think there might be some jealousy in Brittany, because I don’t think she is as comfortable and at ease with their arrangement as Santana is. Brittany has always been the one who tries to push their relationship forward towards something more conventional. I see this as just another example of that. Sure there is uncertainty displayed across her face as she watches Santana’s reaction to her words, but I do not think she regrets any of it. Also I can’t quite figure out what her little head tilt when Santana says she is top dog, is about. There just seems to be a lot of things hidden in her actions and reactions during this scene. Perhaps the tilt means nothing, perhaps she silently concures, or perhaps she actually has objections to Santana being on top. Either way there is more there than we are allowed to see or understand. That bugs me, but also entertains me.

As for the rest of the kids’ responses, well they do show surprise, but the mild kind. Artie actually looks more uncomfortable than surprised by the TMI slip and Kurt mainly just looks curious.

Brittana continue shooting each other side glances throughout the rest of the scene, emotions flickering across both their faces as they study the other without their knowledge. I would have paid to see the aftermath of this scene. To see Santana’s first big gay panic moment. To hear what words she used. To see Brittany’s response. But alas no.

Either way something went down and I am not the least bit surprised to see Santana attaching herself to Puck’s side in the next choir room scene. Neither am I entirely surprised to see Kurt and Brittany bonding. Judging by Kurt’s previous interest you know he just had to pump her for information about her homosexual endeavours . Because even though he might be the only openly gay kid at school, there is still a lot of comfort in knowing you are not the only queer. Throughout the episode their friendship seems to continue growing.

And even though Santana has clearly distanced herself from Brittany and the gay, doesn’t mean she can stop her natural instincts. As Emma is introduced to the class as the new glee club supervisor Brittany with a horrified look on her face reveals her past encounter with the guidance counsellor. At which Santana immediately turns protective and attacks Emma and her competence. A leopard cannot change its spots no more than you can pray away the gay.

On the bus to Sectionals you can again see them on literally opposites sides, in some lame effort to create distance between them and downplay the confession. But it really is a lame attempt, because as soon as they are in a foreign environment they find their way back to each other, unable to go without the confidence and comfort their bond creates.

Then there is the matter of the leaked setlist. Again something I’ve already written about (found here). But the following scene in which they are trying to come up with a choreography is worth mentioning. Go back and look at how the kids are all huddled around the table. They are all standing elbow to elbow, very close together. Brittany however takes it to the next level by pressing her chest against Santana’s back, proving to be a favourite position of hers. At which point it's time to revise previous lessons learnt, between friends there is air, between lovers there is none.


HELL-O [1x14]

As the title of the episode would indicate things are turning a lot darker for Brittana. Though this descent into darkness does not mean there isn’t subtext or that their relationship doesn’t continue to develop, far from it. It just means we better fortify our hearts unless we want them sacked as we once more head unto the breach.

Brittana are in Sue’s office being berated for not succeeding in destroying glee. And believe it or not their behaviour in that scene makes me love them even more. For the simple reason that it makes them fit so damn well I never want to take off the glove. In the previous episode Santana protected Brittany, in this episode Brittany gets to return the favour. Sue is the epitome of authority in Santana’s world and she cannot and will not defy her. Because in her mind Sue is the road to success. And as Santana just stands there, her eyes lowered to the floor in submissive defeat it is up to Brittany to soften the blow. She offers up an explanation for their “failure” and directs the majority of Sue’s attention onto herself. Successfully playing the ditz card and saving some of Santana’s reputation in the eyes of their coach.

So Sue is looking for a new Head Cheerleader. Brittany’s reaction to that just kills me. She gives Santana a sideways glance before giving a deep sigh. She knows how much that title and position means to her friend and the sigh indicates she also know there is nothing that can stand in Santana’s way. It’s defeat and it hurts, because you know Brittany doesn’t truly trust Santana’s feelings for her to quell the need for power. And that hurts man. Mainly cause you know she has good reason to doubt.

Then you look to Santana and you see that there is more than just power she struggles with. As Sue hints that they go after Finn the brunette’s eyes find Brittany and in that brief and unspoken moment you know she’ll never let Finn close to Brittany. Sure she wants that position, but the raging beast called jealousy that lives inside her chest will never allow Brittany to go after Finn on her own. No that is Santana’s area of expertise and she will take care of it. Because it is one thing to whore yourself out, but to watch someone you love do it is soul-crushing.

I’m straying, back to the episode. Finn does his Hello number and is backed by Brittana. And this proves to work as perfect foreshadowing for their flirting with him, they fail miserably because they really only have eyes for each other. Making me realise that it’s not just a matter of eyes not on plot or eye contact, because what they do is close themselves off to those around them. I can’t fully explain it, but when they do it you as a viewer can swear there is a tangible link between them and a wall closing down around them. They become a satellite to the rest of the world. In orbit, but not directly in contact. It’s weird because obviously they are right there in the middle of it, but somehow they really aren’t. And it’s not just chemistry it’s more than that, but what I have no idea.

The origin of the pinkie link. Or well it might not be the actual origin of it, but it’s the first time we get to see it as they sidle up to Finn and ask him out on a date. The date is for now irrelevant, but the link means the world, especially seeing how it will continue being used.

And as I’ve already mentioned their attempts at heterosexual flirting are just epic fail. Reason being they focus on the flirting and forget about Finn. As a result they send each other adoring looks and playfully give teasing touches to exposed skin. Sure their actions could be seen as pandering to the male gaze, but the way they completely ignore and are oblivious to said gaze sorta makes that point moot. Their original intention might be to attract his attention, but their actions speaks for itself (and again I’ve babbled on about it; here).

As Rachel begins singing Gives You Hell Santana looks mightily annoyed and her body automatically leans into Brittany, ensconcing them into a protective circle. And from that point onwards Finn is completely irrelevant, because as the song progresses Santana even loses her annoyance and protective stance and Brittana instead end up singing and dancing together.

Moving on to the “date” which really is just a power play from Santana. It’s amazing how a girl who can be in control of every little detail in that interaction at the same time can be so clue- and hapless emotionally. It’s funny to see her visibly relax as soon as Finn leaves the table, her mask immediately slipping off as they are left alone. And her what the fuck- face at Brittany’s “did you know dolphins are just gay sharks” comment is actually one of the few times she acts truly surprised by what comes out of the blonde’s mouth. This comment and reaction are simply perfect. Both because it rocked Santana’s confidence and made us aware that there might actually have been an emotional toll on her from that awkward social interaction disguising as a date. But also because the sneakiness that line shows Brittany is capable of. Of all the things she could bring up she brings up gay sharks. I refuse to see that as a coincidence. No Brittany might not have the strength to confront Santana directly, but she still pokes holes in the brunette’s armour and won’t let her forget what she is. A gay shark, someone who grew up filing her teeth into razor sharp points ready to strike and kill, but who in reality is a loving, gentle and playful soul. Coincidence my arse.

The seduction falls to pieces, but when Sue then presents them with an opportunity that does not involve Finn or heterosexuality, they suddenly excel at their task of driving a wedge between Rachel and New Directions.

Before I end I just want to mention the timeline. The previous episode it was revealed that Brittana were having sex. Previous to that we had never heard of and were most definitely never shown them using their relationship to attract boys. Santana had been linked to Puck, but never seriously. And Brittany have not been shown with any romantic interest beyond Santana. However as the cat has now been let out of the bag Santana suddenly finds a way to twist it all around and pretend it is a stepping stone towards a heterosexual relationship and male attention. And if I remember correctly this is the beginning of a downwards spiral in their relationship. Up to this point it had been fairly simple because it was their secret. From this point onwards their story become an open-ended tragedy.

So fortify your heart my friend, because it is about to be broken through a series of unfortunate events and general homophobia.



Madonna! Merely saying the word in my mind as I type it out makes me think of Sue Sylvester. And in turn I think of the best themed episode to date. They managed to fit the songs into the narrative yet at the same time took the time to truly highlight the artist’s messages. Beautiful. Until you stop and look to Brittana, then it’s just tragedy and not even the campy fun kind like with Steps.

The hunt for Head Cheerleader continues, this time Madonna comes into play. Sue encourages her cheerleaders to date younger, inferior men. And as soon as the comment leaves her lips Santana immediately looks to Brittany who in turn looks nothing short of lost and sad. I can’t help feeling she has somewhat given up on Santana. Makes my stomach churn to know where this is heading.

Rachel and her sex talk and Brittana and their love. This scene is just one giant contradiction and ultimately gorgeous to watch. The girls are discussing sex and their attitudes towards it. Rachel tells them of her erotic encounter with hypothetical no-name boy aka Jesse. The words and advice that come out of Brittana’s mouths are promiscuity, to never say no to a guy. At the same time they cannot stop touching each other, Brittany is stroking the inside of Santana’s forearm. And the brunette’s hand is gently resting in the blonde’s lap. Rachel was right, it is incredibly erotic. Doesn’t stop at that, they continue sharing looks and sit so close to each other that their legs are touching and Brittany even appears to stroke Santana’s knee/thigh. Plus when their little talk is over they pinkie link as soon as they stand up.

There are levels to this scene. First the words they spout, which I think are partly true, but also part of their image. They, or perhaps more like Santana tries to hide their affection behind a mask of heterosexual promiscuity. But like in the previous episode they fail because they cannot stop physically emphasizing their own relationship and the undeniable love and lust they have for one another.

Then there is the fact that even for them their actions are exaggerated. They are usually better at controlling themselves and restraining their actions to mild touching and eye!fucking. Making me think either they are much more comfortable when there are no guys around (which in turn destroys the notion that their relationship is there to stroke the guys' libidos) or this is a strange kind of reassurance for what is to come. If you look at the scene Brittany is the instigator of the contact, she is basically all over Santana. Even though it is mainly just affection and love there are also some almost desperate undertones to their interactions. Brittany cannot and will not stop touching. She simply must feel the brunette’s skin beneath her fingertips. Perhaps this is her comfort and a kind of goodbye as she knows what Santana will have to do to stay in Sue’s good books.

Will interrupts their musings on sexuality and asks them, “are you really having that much boy trouble?”. At which Brittany purse her lips and slowly turn her head towards Santana. Making you feel as if she really doesn’t have that much boy as she has girl trouble. I’ve gotta say I can’t help seeing a lot more intelligence in Brittany this time around than I did the previous times I’ve watched.

Express Yourself and Brittana does just that through healthy doses of eye!sex.

First locker scene, setting the tone for many to come. Brittany reveals she is “dating” her sister’s 7 year old friend Wes Brody. And lets just look at this for a moment. Sure it is stupid, but it is also fucking genius. From her actions it is clear she is in love with Santana and even though that relationship currently is more twisted than a twizzler she isn’t ready for an actual relationship with anyone else. So what she does is to go after a kid with whom she has no future or even a present. It’s just a playful sham to appease Sue and at the same time make sure she appears to be unavailable. She uses dumb to her advantage so well that I have a feeling she is exaggerating her own ditz as a defense mechanism. Santana hides behind her anger, Brittany behind her dumb.

Back to the lockers. Santana is freaking out about not knowing what to do, fearing not only to lose her shot at Head Cheerleader, but also to be kicked off the Cheerios. Something that in her eyes would equal social suicide. Brittany knows this and she is also the one who suggests Santana go after Finn. This is where you’re supposed to object with, “if Brittany really loved Santana why would she do that?”. Simple answer because she really does love Santana. And sometimes when you love someone you will sacrifice your own happiness in order to keep them happy and safe. That’s exactly what she does when she urges Santana into Finn’s pants. Santana’s image for her heart. Small price to pay?

Also I cannot stop wondering if Brittany isn’t speaking from personal experience as she says mentions that the best way to get a guy to follow you around forever is to take his virginity. My mind silently wonders if Santana wasn’t her first.

And so it goes. At Brittany’s suggestion Santana seduces Finn. Or to be honest it is 10 seconds of seduction and then straightforward insisting they should do the deed. Her reasoning being, “It will be great for my image and Sue will promote me to Head Cheerleader”. It just rips me apart. We know how she has this great capacity for love, yet she continues doing this to herself in the name of popularity, killing her own soul bit by bit. And not just her soul, Brittany’s too.

Like A Virgin - this performance is directly unrelated to Brittana, but I need to point it out anyhow. Replace Finn with Brittany. Can you for a second imagine Santana pushing Brittany’s head into her cleavage while straddling her hips and grinding suggestively into abs of steel? Well okay that was bad wording of me, because I am fairly certain you can. But can you imagine that ever making it onto the show. It is never gonna happen. And there is not a single logical reason for that. The reason that will be given however is censorship, because for some reason to see two women be physically intimate with each other is more upsetting and deemed more adult than when a man and a woman does the same. Can someone please explain to me why that is?

The aftermath however is just another stab to the heart. Absolutely no emotions there, besides self-loathing and a grain of regret. Santana immediately demands he take her for a burger. She seeks comfort yet punishes her body with food she knows is not good for her. Someone needs to hug some damn sense into that girl.

Finally the episode ends on Jesse joining New Directions. And it doesn’t matter that Brittany pushed Santana into her actions, her behaviour in this scene is clear indicator of what she truly feels. Brittany is an open and loving soul, she doesn’t judge Jesse, no I'd rather interpret her reaction to recently having learnt about Santana/Finn. Her arms tightly wrapped around herself in an attempt to offer comfort and protection (compare her pitiful self hug to Santana‘s much more aggressive arm cross). Then add the seemingly resentful look she briefly gives Santana and you know she’s had her heart broken once again.

I love this pairing to bits, but right now they are dysfunctional. A lot dysfunctional. I don’t doubt that they are meant to be together, nor do I doubt that they will be (too much love, too much chemistry and too much fate not to). But until they can be, they must both grow. Quite a lot and unfortunately we as viewers are going to have to experience those growing pains vicariously.


HOME [1x16]

Hello whiplash. As heartbreaking as the previous episode was, as heartwarming this is. Sue has her attention elsewhere for once and as the school appears to have come to a reluctant truce when it comes to the more overt bullying, Brittana are actually allowed to be happy together.

First choir room scene shows two pair of people sitting close enough that they are touching, Jesse and Rachel. And also Brittana. It’s almost become ridiculous how often Brittana’s interactions mirror those of the current IT couple. It‘s love I tell ya, love! If their touching isn’t enough for you, when they stand up to leave they link their pinkies in a gesture that has now become familiar and comforting. For them as well as for you. (and in my head!canon their story ends with them getting to ride off into the sunset with their pinkies linked - and Ceasar you better stay the hell away from this pair)

Mercedes is struggling with Sue’s insane requirements for her to lose weight and turns to Brittana for understanding. Santana offers the following piece of advice, “You can either feel terrible and look great. Or get kicked off the team”. Seriously, hug some fucking sense into that girl. I know the line was most likely in reference to the extreme dieting, but from Santana’s point of view it warps and includes sexuality as well. Either she can live a life that makes her hate herself (like sleeping with Finn), but keep up the appearances that will maintain her position on top. Or she could give in to her true feelings and have everything she thinks she treasures (power and position) yanked from under her feet like a cheap rug! (I seriously need to stop quoting 3Way)

In the second choir room scene Kurt teaches the kids about the concept of how A House Is Not A Home. What can I say about this scene, really?! I feel so superfluous. Oh well I'll try. The other gleeks look a little lost, uncertain about his intent and possibly also as to what the song is referring to. Not Brittana. They immediately relate emotionally to the concept that home is not a place, but a feeling, a person. And as I dwell on how perfect the lyrics fit them, “So darling have a heart, don’t let one mistake keep us apart” I can’t help feeling giddy. A feeling that snowballs as Santana offers up her pinkie to Brittany before resting her head on the blonde’s shoulder, a content sigh travelling through both of them as they briefly close their eyes in satisfaction. It is beautiful man. So beautiful.

The rest of the episode continues along the same lines. At the roller-rink they skate together. During the Beautiful performance they make sure to repeatedly find each other’s gaze even if they do not stand together. And at the end of the episode as April Rhodes (unrelated, but I find amusement in the fact that April and Santana shares a wardrobe - yeah that hairy little fur vest) donates the auditorium to glee club Brittana are snug as a bug behind the piano.

Now if you don’t mind me I shall put on The Turtles, braid my hair and skip around the school yard, because this episode made me happy as a little girl.



And we’re back to ranking popularity, and Brittana is back to being dysfunctional and sad. To sum up their relationship lets quote the episode; is your stupid reputation more important than your relationships? // now I’m only falling apart.

What we get at the start of this episode is shocking and unfamiliar, it's scary and hurts a little. The Glist has been posted and Brittana sit at opposite ends of the choir room. Santana actually sits quite isolated from them all (spatial commentary on her position in glee club as well as the role she plays in this episode). But it gets worse, there is not a single moment of eye contact. Neither is there any eye!sexing as the kids perform the dreadfully bad Vanilla Ice number. I do not care what Will says there is no parole for that, because that was painful. As painful as the complete lack of Brittana interaction.

But it gets even worse as we get a closer look at Brittany (this is her episode really). Kurt, Mercedes and Tartie are scheming, trying to come up with a way of increasing their own popularity. They’re distracted by Brittany who lurks in the shadows and simply stares at them with a dazed look in her eyes. She then goes on to tell them she’s taken all her antibiotics at the same time and is now too out of it to remember how to leave. She continues by telling them how she’s made out with everyone at that school, boys and girls. I know this is comedy, but squint and it becomes some seriousass drama. Brittany has just confessed to overdosing on her meds. And in the very next breath she reveals the extent of her promiscuity, making sure those two concepts are linked in your head. Bare with me now as I take this detour into complete fiction spurred by scraps of fact.

In my mind Brittany is in love with Santana, or it is possible she isn’t quite aware that it is love, but she knows she has a really intense emotional and physical response to the brunette. But Santana repeatedly keeps pushing her away, choosing popularity over Brittany. So Brittany takes a step back and a page out of her book and begins to emulate Santana’s behaviour. She isn’t a bitch and she fears conflict, so she stays away from that side, but she has an open, carefree and all-inclusive heart so “love” is what she does. She begins making out with most everything at that school, both because she believes it is the way to popularity (and possibly even acceptance in Santana's eyes). But also because she needs to distance herself from Santana. However it isn’t really working. Because in this case Peaches wasn’t right, you can’t fuck (or kiss) your pain away, especially not with random strangers. Meaning no matter what she does she finds herself back at the brunette's side.

So what that leaves us with is a flailing and lost Brittany, entangled in a dysfunctional relationship she cannot leave, because Santana refuses to admit that it exists in the first place. It’s a bad bad place really. Then add the fact that her behaviour has gotten so careless and self-destructive that she took all her meds at the same time. If this wasn’t comedy that would have been classed as a suicide attempt.

However something good comes out of this (out of her indirect cry for help), she is included in the other kids’ plans. She gets to develop a safety net outside of the complex non-relationship relationship she has with Santana. It’s a first step towards independence. It’s a good step.

This is a really good Brittany episode actually, we get a taster’s test of all those things that sum up the character at this time. So there’s no surprise her fear of conflict comes into play again. This time when in a last desperate attempt to get a bad reputation Kurt decides to tell Sue they were the ones who uploaded the Physical vid. All of the kids are scared of Sue’s wrath, but Brittany is the only one who is literally shaking out of fear. Not just her lips, but her entire body shakes like a leaf as her hands are pressed together as a protective shield in front of her body. Her fear is as tangible as Santana's even though its cause differs.

Final choir room scene does have Brittana sitting next to each other, but it’s awkward cause they’re not actually touching. They’re just sitting there next to each other like any other of the kids. Unnerving. But positive progress from the beginning of the episode at least. Makes me wonder if Rachel’s little music video didn't help melt part of the iceberg that appeared to have been planted between them. Speaking of which, am I the only one who want to see Rachel talking them into those wings? Like want it badly.

I like this even though it becomes incredibly tragic if you read between the lines and take some creative license, but perhaps that‘s why I like it.


subtext, glee, reviews, brittana

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