From a family gathering in Kitchener. Or, rather, what was intended to be a family get together in Kitchener. Mark blew it off. Whatever - that means I got to bring back all the left overs, which include an obscenely good bread pudding with rum sauce that is more rum than sauce. Had a good time - despite the fact that I was on Bob* duty for the night - and overall, all was good. My Aunts Lynne and Dale got hammered, they reminisced with my Da about getting beaten by Hilda (my grandmother) and he retorted with the stories of my Grandfather beating him with the narrow side of a 2x4. And we were laughing our asses off - all of us save Bob - because, well, that's pretty much what they do. Got to tell stories about setting my head on fire, which they countered with the story about one of their neighbours setting his whole face on fire during a frenchfry related grease fire. Always have to one-up me, they do.
Also, I got some Prednisone from my Da, which worked wonders on my hoof, which means that it is, finally and for certain, the gout. Which pisses me off, as I like booze, red meat and butter, but at least I know what the issue is now.
Also also, you people really need to watch
this video. It is totally awesome. Make sure you have the sound on.
And my appointment with The Dreidge has been moved to 1pm on Monday, which is OK by me.
* Bob is my Aunt Lynne's husband, and father of my cousin Alix - both of whom are totally badass. Unfortunately, Bob has to prove that everything he's ever done is not only cooler than anything you've ever done, but cooler than anything you've ever thought of. He's like Terry, except about 10,000x more pompous. Terry's pomposity is tolerable because he's personable, affable and a decent human being. Bob is not.