Soup is Good Food. Also, Animal First Aid.

Nov 14, 2007 15:12

I am home sick again today although I suspect today is more due to my reverse sleep-schedule than anything else.  I've been able to clean a little bit and start some some sweet potato, delicata squash and greens soup in the slow cooker.  So far just the onions, leeks and garlic are starting off.  I'm also adding in some mustard greens and bok choy with the vegetable stock so it should be bountifully nutritious.

Last night I remembered that I'd frozen some garlic/greens/potatoes soup from last month.  I was so psyched because I had no energy to make anything and have been existing on oatmeal, canned soup, toast and veggie turkey sandwiches.  Hopefully I'll be able to save a few servings of soup or stew every time I make it, curbing my takeout incidences in the future.

Tonight I have a class on domestic pet first aid at the NY Red Cross.  I would have liked to reschedule but you have to do that 7 days in advance.  However, I didn't get sick 7 days in advance.  It's 4 hours!  And I have to makeout with dog and cat mannequins.  One of the women we're going with is totally sick still and I hope I don't get sick again.  I should take 100 vitamin C tablets before I go.  Anyway, once done -- I'll be certified!  I am going to put that on my resume along with all the other animal stuff that is useless in the world of monied jobs but yet interest me.  Really, is it too much to ask to have one lucrative interest?

My gf is fostering a cat for this lady I met at the workshop I taught and he's adorable and really sweet but she's so allergic that there is no possibility they'll keep him.  He is so sweet and adorable.  Her initial plan was to bring him to the A on open intake day and it looks like she might have to stick with that.  I already have Henry to adopt out.


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