What the hell.

Oct 12, 2008 21:12

Hey, look at me! I'm not studying for calculus midterm!
Well, I don't think it's actually controversial- people will be posting for their friends to see, and friends largely agree with each other, not to mention that the general internet has a pretty liberal bias- but what the hell. Look at me not study.

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
...Like I said, I hardly see this as a gutsy action and I think that anyone who does is probably one of those "let's rebel for the sake of rebelling" shock value twits.

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
I'd try it once, but I wouldn't continue after that. Just for the experience.

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
I'm pro-choice. For all sorts of reasons, most of them related to overpopulation rather than ethics.

[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Not at all. o_O

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
It's a very complicated situation and I don't have a definite stance on it, but I lean towards supporting it- again, because of overpopulation, quality of life for those on death row, etc. But I'm honestly not sure.

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
It's not a "for or agsint" kind of thing. I think it's ok to have it, but I'm not FOR it. I'm not going to go around telling people they ought to have premarital sex. =p

[08] Do you believe in God?
Nope. Wish I did, religion's a beautiful thing, but I am completely atheist.

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
I think civil unions should be legalized. The big problem is not what we call it, it's just the legal rights so that kids of same-sex parents don't get put up for adoption because a parent died, and they get hospital visitation rights and all that. If the country as a whole has a problem calling the benefits "marriage", then we should be able to compromise.

[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Well gee, maybe if they made the legal immigration process a little less drawn out and STUPID, people wouldn't do it ILLEGALLY. THAT is the main issue to me, not whether or not it's wrong.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
I don't know, actually. On one hand, I think she should be shot in the face and probably would be a horrible mother. But on the other hand, she needs to take responsibility for her actions not just shove it. So if someone can help her take care of it, then yes.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
YES. I know, I know, drunk driving accidents and blah blah blah, but it's not like the laws are discouraging people from drinking underage, and I don't like the idea that we can go die for our country but we can't buy our own beer. In just about every other country the age is lower. 21 is just lame.

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
*facepalm* Well, I wasn't ever a big fan of it. But we can't just immediately pull out now. I do think that we need to work on pulling out ASAP though...

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
This is a bit difficult. I think that it can be a good thing, but I think hospice is generally a better option. If a person wants to commit suicide, under certain circumstances I think they should be allowed to.  But when you get into assisted suicide, you face a scary thought: as soon as you have a doctor or a paid professional doing it, you run the risk of creating a suicide industry. And that's just eerie.

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Dunno. Don't care. It'll never apply to me, since I hate kids.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yeah. XD I'm patrioticish despite all my bitching. But as far as I'm concerned, an individual flag is just a peice of cloth. And a million bucks is alot.

[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Obama. Hannnnds dowwwwn. I am a bit nervous about Obama because he has the same effect on people that Hitler has (in b4 Gershwin's law) but I think he's so genuine that I think the ability to stir crowds into an inspired frenzy might actually be good this time around.

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Not really? I'm not exactly secretive about my opinions. XD

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