Fun week makes Jasper Tired and Stupid today...

Jun 23, 2008 21:16

Last week was my birthday...To celebrate this occasion Rebecca flew in from Denmark last Tuesday (and boy were arms tired, ha!) I did have to work on my birthday but that makes it extra nice to have someone to come home to. In fact when I was at work that week Rebecca did my laundry and reorganizedmy closet. Now I just have to keep it up...

On Friday I took a day off. I decided to invest in an extra bicycle so that Rebecca and I weren't bound to public transport. Rebecca thought it was silly to then spend more money on locks...apparently more than one flimsy lock is enough to to keep the Danes from stealing your bike. In Amsterdam it isn't about making it impossible to steal your bike, but just to make it harder than the bike next to yours. After this we went to a garden store and bought herbs for the balcony and a small plant for my desk. I hope this one survives, as all other plant I've had have died for various reasons...

The weekend was highlighted by a birthday celebration with a projector to watch The Big Game. Unfortunately as good as they were in the pool of the death is how bad the players of orange were against the Russians. We didn't let this spoil the party but it would've been nice...

The party didn't end early so I had very little sleep on Sunday...nevertheless we spent the day biking to various friends of mine, begging for coffee and food or returning telephones that were left behind. This was made extra fun by wind which was blowing really hard.

Rebecca had to be at Schiphol early today which meant another short night for me. Luckily it also meant a shorter working day. I was so tired on the way home I forgot I had promised my uncle I would visit him. Oops. It was his birthday too. I will try and make it up to him later this week.

stupir, happy, tired

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