The story continues...

Mar 16, 2008 02:08

 Well I suppose I could update you all on everything that's happened since the end of my last post, but that was allready running behind on the facts. So in summary, Rebecca has been here and left again and I now await the second coming. Prophets have put this date sometime around friday. The house project has been delayed due to social and work obligations, not to mention murphy's law.

I have just finished laying a floor in a room in the house. This floor should've been last weer (well, last month really) but it didn't happen? Why? Because the paint on the walls committed suicide. So I had to strip the walls to reveal the lovely pitted wall underneath  So after filling the walls and repainting I finally layed the floor today (with a littlle help from my friends). Tomorrow some detail work and I can finally start putting together some of that Ikea furniture. Soon I will have a desk to sit at and a place to put my books again. Sweet!

Next week is a long weekend. I expect friday to be a good friday. I'm not really worried about saturday sunday or monday either ;)

building, ikea, rebecca

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