The Art Of Travel - Alain de Botton

Mar 14, 2012 22:21

Title: The Art Of Travel
Author: Alain de Botton
Genre: Art, history, poetry.
Publisher: Penguin Non-Fiction, 2002
Pages: 260, Paperback
Language: English
Rating: 8/10
Summary: Alain de Botton reminisces in detail about traveling to foreign places and compares his personal experiences to the (historical) impressions -and expressions- of painters, poets and philosophers

Spoilerfree Review
A delightful travelguide, that doesn't so much tell us what to do when we're away from (the comforts of) our home, but tries to remind us why we left: to explore the world! I found it heartwarming to recognize not only the many moments of wonder while discovering other places, but also the apathy that I experience while traveling.

travel, review

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