Three Picturebooks (two children's, one adult:)

Jun 08, 2011 16:10

Title: Manneken Pis - A Simple Story Of A Boy Who Peed On A War
Author: Vladimir Radunsky
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Publisher: Van Goor, 2002
Pages: Hardcover, 26
Language: Dutch (from English)
Rating: 6/10
Summary: The title says it all.
I'm not making this up
You can even read it online!.

Title: Stimmy of Het Oerwoud In De Stad (Stimmy Or The Jungle In The City) Author: Daan Remmerts de Vries & Philip Hopman
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Publisher: CPNB/Querido, 2010
Pages: Hardcover, 38
Language: Dutch
Rating: 8/10
Summary: Stimmy is bored in the city and imagines a park to spend the days. One day he runs into a rhino and havoc ensues!
Spoilerfree Review
I bought this special edition for Children's Bookweek, it's a tradition. This year's picture book is really stunning; the combined styles of Daan and Philip look spectactulair: it's a wonderful fusion of drawings and photo-collages. The story is fun to read, but I mostly enjoyed diving into the images.

Title: The Adventuress
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Genre: Visual Novel, Art
Publisher: Jonathan Cape, 2006
Pages: Hardcover, unnumbered
Language: English
Rating: 7/10
Summary: There are a lot of men wooing the daughter of the alchemist, but she has only eyes for Napoleon.
Spoilerfree Review
Just like the characters in The Three Incestuous Sisters the woman in this adventure seems to have trouble connecting with other people, especially men. She suspects Napoleon has mistresses, but because of her hallucinations it's not clear if she's only imagining this. It's is obvious she's going slightly mad.
I love that I now have this book in my collection of Niffeneggers Art-books, even though I prefer her novels. These visual stories are a little akward, both in style and content.

author: audrey niffenegger, children's

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