Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris

Apr 20, 2011 23:06

Title: Me Talk Pretty One Day
Author: David Sedaris
Genre: autobiography, humour
Publisher: Abacus, 2000
Pages: Paperback, 272
Language: English
Rating: 7/10
Summary: Autobiographical stories with flashbacks about growing up in the Sedaris family. Special attention to David's present day experiences in France, where he and his partner occasionally live in a house in the countryside.

Spoilerfree Review
I recently watched an interview with David Sedaris on the Daily Show and as it turns out he writes like he talks: very animated. Most of his memories come with a touch of selfpity, but that is quite entertaining, especially in hindsight. Some of the humour seems a bit too rehearsed and a lot of anekdotes sound familiair but all in all it's an entertaining collection of short stories. His experiences in international French classes are absolutely recognizable for everyone who every tried to communicate in another language.


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