Taal Is Zeg Maar Echt Mijn Ding - Paulien Cornelisse

Apr 20, 2011 22:15

In case you were wondering what I've been doing while I was away from this community: I've been reading. A LOT. Have also written quite a few reviews, but for the purpose of posting here I still need to translate them... Hope to do at least one every night this week. Just so you know;)

Title: Taal Is Zeg Maar Echt Mijn Ding (~Language is, like, my thing)
Author: Paulien Cornelisse
Genre: language
Publisher: Uitgeverij Contact, 2009
Pages: Paperback, 212
Language: Dutch
Rating: 7/10
Summary: Observations about language in long and short columns previously published in the NRC newspaper.

Spoilerfree Review A fun read; Paulien wonders about the use of language in modern society and in the media. She gives examples from newspapers or tv and from various conversations she heard on the street. She has an adorable way of looking at cutesy new words, but also dissects old sayings. It's not a unique point of view, but it certainly is a book you want to refer to when discussing the good, the bad and the ugly of today's language.

language: dutch

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