Feb 04, 2008 11:01
I used to write and write and write. I'm getting back into writing, slowly and surely, but I always have the urge to write in bullet points, diagrams, and time lines. I don't know why. I used to be much more fancy.
- We are dogsitting for 6 weeks. Sample is a mini poodle or maybe poodle mix that we are watching while her people are in Mexico, doing activism work. I don't think we'll want to give her back. Arthur gave her his stuffed garlic to play with, and she's much more interesting and personable than Bunny.* Also, she hasn't been bothering bunny at all.
- Caitlin and I started up a writing group with 5 members that meets every other Sunday. It has been really rewarding and inspiring so far; I'm working on a zine about drag experiences.
- I did one drag performance recently, at an "erotic night" at a coffee shop. I did robotic Kraftwerk, while everyone else did intense poetry and interpretive dance. It was not my scene. Next up though is open mic at New Health Cafe on the 21st. I miss doing drag more frequently.
- I biked for the first time in the winter on Saturday! The roads were clear for the most part, but there was definitely plenty of slush and parts where I had to walk my bike. I went to a workshop about the history of AIDS activism and then went out with a group on bikes, bringing burritos to places downtown where people who need food try to stay warm. I've been doing this Burrito Project for a few weeks now, but due to my work schedule, I'd only been able to help prepare the burritos. This was the first time I got to do the biking and delivering aspect of it.
- We got a dining room table plus 6 chairs off craigslist for $40, and it has really transformed Bunny's room into a room where people might want to hang out! I'm surprised at how much of a difference it makes.
- I got some new boots for work. My right foot has been hurting for about a month whenever I walk on it. The bone below my pinky toe is jutting out further than it used to. I hope these will help the situation. They feel like clouds are surrounding my feet.
- Some of my friends are going through some hard times.
*I love Bunny.