
Feb 17, 2007 22:23

Continued from here.

The next morning )

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crazy_lil_fred April 8 2007, 04:46:56 UTC
Fred chewed on her bottom lip when Wesley suggested they go outside for a while. Truth be told, she was a little afraid of what was out there. Inside, she was protected from things making her sick. She didn't want to leave her family again.

Yet, when Regan started to speak, Fred knew she couldn't say no. Things had been difficult on her husband and daughter, and Fred wanted to make everything right again.

"That would be nice," she answered as she looked down at Wesley's hand on hers. It was then she noticed her wedding and engagement rings were gone. "Did...did it take my rings?"

She furrowed her brow and looked down at their hands. Fred suddenly remembered taking them off as she'd grown increasily ill. She didn't want them to get ruined.

"Oh...sorry. I remember now," she said with a small smile. She didn't know if she should ask for them back. There was a slight chance Wesley didn't have them anymore, especially if he thought she was never coming home.

Fred then noticed Regan was looking at her. She cleared her throat and motioned toward her daughter's plate. "Why don't you eat some more? It's nothing to be worried about, sweetie. It'll take some time for me to remember everything," she said as she looked down at her own plate before taking a bite.


gfswesleypryce April 8 2007, 05:19:04 UTC
When Fred looked down at her hand, asking about her rings, Wesley frowned and cursed himself silently. In all the excitement of getting her back, the emotions of the previous night, he had forgot something very important. He looked over at Regan and saw her worry - he knew that as much as they wanted everything to be back to normal so soon, it might take a while. There was a lot to work through.

But there was something that at the very least he could fix.

"I'll be right back," he said, getting up and dropping a kiss on Fred's forehead before hurrying out of the room.

He went upstairs and picked up his bag, looking through it until he found the small bag that he had kept with him through everything. He had never been able to get rid of them, knew he never would have. Holding it in his hand for a moment, he smiled and then went back downstairs to the dining room.

"Fred, love, I have something for you," he said as he knelt down and opening the bag to take out what was inside. Taking her hand, he slipped her rings on her finger.


crazy_lil_fred April 8 2007, 05:56:45 UTC
Fred watched Wesley get up from the table, feeling guilty for making such a fuss over things. She looked over at Regan and gave her sheepish look before looking down at her plate. She then looked up when Wesley appeared again.

"What are you doing...?" she asked when Wesley kneeled before her. She watched as he pulled the rings out - her rings. Smiling, she let him slip them back on her fingers. "I love you, Wesley."

Leaning forward, Fred deeply kissed her husband, knowing she could kiss him all day. But, it seemed Regan had other ideas and loudly cleared her throat. Fred laughed a little and pulled back.

"How did dad propose to you?" Regan asked before taking a bit of her food.

"Well, we were up on the roof of the Hyperion, talking about what we were going to do since I was pregnant with you. Suddenly, your dad got down to his knees and asked me," Fred said, giving her husband a loving look.

"You only got married because of me?" Regan questioned with a small frown.

"Of course not, sweetie. We got married because we love each other, and always will," Fred said, brushing a strand of hair off her daughter's face.

Regan grinned and nodded.


gfs_wesleypryce April 9 2007, 01:48:11 UTC
The look on Fred's face at the sight of the rings back on her fingers did Wesley's heart good. He had found the rings after she had died where she had left them on the dresser when she had taken ill, so he had put them away, not able to ever part with them. Now, they were back where they belonged.

"I love you too," he whispered against her lips, wanting to kiss her for the rest of the morning, but of course their daughter obviously didn't want to see that.

He moved back up to his chair as Regan asked about the proposal, smiling when Fred told her. However he shook his head when she asked whether their marriage had just been because they were expecting her.

He looked over at Fred, remembering how happy he had been when she had said yes to his proposal. Of course, he had been a bit fearful about becoming a father, not wanting to be anything like his own, but with Fred there, he had soon got over that fear. Especially when he had first held Regan in his arms and knew he would do anything for her and for the amazing, wonderful woman who had become his wife and given him such a precious gift.

"Regan," he said, reaching out, wanting to explain more, "I had actually already decided to ask your mum to marry me when we found out the news about you. I had just been trying to decide when, and sitting with her on the roof, talking about our plans and you...I knew that was the right time. You and your mother both mean the world to me, and I love both of you with all my heart."


crazy_lil_fred April 9 2007, 02:09:19 UTC
Fred listened as Wesley explained to their daughter he'd wanted to marry her even before they'd found out about Regan. She smiled, thinking how wonderful her husband was. He was so loving and caring toward the both of them. Fred knew Regan and her were lucky to have him.

Glancing over at her daughter, Fred noticed she was playing with her food. "Are you finished?" she asked. Regan nodded. "Why don't you take your plate into the kitchen and go shower and get some clothes on. The sooner we see what Rupert wants to discuss with us, the sooner we can go on our walk."

After Regan left the dining room, Fred looked down at her own plate and noticed she'd barely ate either. It was probably from all the excitement of being back. She was sure she'd be snacking once they were finished with their walk.

Looking over at Wesley, Fred slipped out of her chair and sat down in his lap. "Remember when we would do this whenever we found five minutes to spare before going to work?" She asked as she into his eyes. "I don't want that anymore. I want us to be a real family from now on. I want us to have breakfast and dinner together everyday. I want to go to bed when you do, not go to bed whenever I got home or vice versa. We lost a year, Wesley, and I don't want to lose anymore."

She laid her head on the crook of his shoulder and sighed. "I don't want to miss anymore. I've already missed too much," she whispered.


gfs_wesleypryce April 9 2007, 03:36:31 UTC
Wesley took a few more bites of his food, finding that he was rather hungry - again from the spellcasting, he supposed, since he usually didn't eat much. He noticed, however, that Fred and Regan hadn't eaten much themselves, and they usually had much more than he did. He hoped it was something that didn't last too long. He didn't want either of them to start having probably because they didn't eat enough.

He put his fork down as Fred slipped into his lap after Regan left the room and wrapped his arms around her. "I remember," he whispered, thinking about how alone time had been so sparse both when they had been working for Angel Investigations and when they had been at Wolfram and Hart. It always seemed something was going on.

Looking up into her eyes, he nodded as she told him what she waned, how she wanted them to be a family. "I want that too, love," he said. "And I have to admit, I'm tired. I want to do something normal...or as normal as we can, given the things we know about. Part of me just wants to go back to research. Maybe we can open a book shop, do freelance researching, something like that." He reached up and smoothed her hair back from her face. "I want us to finally have our life together as a family now that we have it back, and that means something we where we can choose what we do."


deviantfantasy September 21 2007, 18:17:59 UTC
Continued here


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