Nov 24, 2005 21:55
How can any American be against immigration? There would not be an America with out immigration. even according to historians even the Native Americans migrated here, so explain to me why there is this some point every family in america has had someone that has immigrated here. even my family that we have been here so long that we have forgotten were we came from had to come from somewhere. is it a racist issue? i mean since when is america in general is for whites only... if the plantation owners wanted this country to be whites only then why did they bring so many africans over to do their dirty work? What about those bitching that there are to many mexicans in america... how many of them are willing to do the jobs that the mexicans do? Are the anti-immigrationist worried that the Mexicans will step up and take over all the jobs that pay more then minimum wage (don't get me wrong... i know many hispanics that i am friends with that have step up... but lets face it many people that are anti-immigration view hispanics as trash) and all will be left for them will be the mimimum wage? i don't know i really don't know what the issue is i know that i can go in to this a lot more, there is sill the whole Muslim/Middle Easterner issues but thats another show.