don't blame me i voted for Kerry

Oct 25, 2005 13:09

guestion of the day... do who we elect really change anything that goes on in office? i know that there is the extreme of how much Bush has screwed us over since he was elected. but on the small scale the some of the city council members are up for reelection next month. there's no denieing that city is in need of some new blood. the current members including the mayor are so used to fallowing the city adminstators every word that they have forgotten that they are there to speak for the people not kiss his over paid ass. our city has infusture issues that stink to high heaven morning noon and night, but they say they can't fix the sewer system till 2007. i recently did meals on wheels for the senior center, we dilvered meals out to those by the sewer plant most of the people were on oxygen and i can't say that i blame them. they are also making a big deal over the swimming pool that they don't have any money for... this is what doesn't make since the swimming pool has been in place for over 50 years why didn't they have some money to replace it or at least keep it in repair. meanwhile our youth have nothing to do... when people bring up the fact that there is nothing for the kids...they get slapped down with oh but the swimming pool that never is going to if we do get new coucil members is it going to change anything or will things remain stinky. i just keep thinking that the mayor made so many promises to get elected but yet there has been change for the better only for the worse.
i don't even feel like its our elected officals that make the choices, no matter what they have to ask the city adminsistor first to make sure every choice they make is the right one. so what do you do when people you didn't even elect run the Goverment?
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