Guys. Guys. Oh my god guys pay attention to me.
LOOK. At these:
Holy shit.
Look at those lil faces. Look at them.
These are Turtle Plush Poufs, and even their freaking name is adorable. They are about as big as a mixing bowl; their shells are very thick, like so:
But unlike that pink ladybug thing up there, these are TURTLES.
I want one desperately.
I told my mother so multiple times while walking around the store.
"Do you think your brother would like this shirt?"
"Yes, but not as much as I like that turtle."
"Are you sure he'd like the sweater?"
"Yeah, of course. It's blue. Like that turtle."
"Are we ready to go?"
"Yeah...unless you'd like to, y'know, take a look at the turtle again."
"You get rid of all your plush toys anyways."
"But I wouldn't get rid of Mr. Smiley! See, I've already named him!"
"Where would you keep the turtle?"
"...On my head. Forever."
*heavy breathing*
Ooooon the other hand, a young lady and gentleman were having a lovely time trying on boots in the shoe aisles--not being rowdy or anything, but laughing, having a good time. The girl was supposed to be trying on boots but she kept showing the guy shoes HE should buy instead; I saw her run off to show him a pair of sparkly silver low-tops. When she came back, I smiled a bit and tapped a pair of bright red stilettos, and to my delight she giggled and showed him those next.
We brushed shoulders a few times while I was in the store, one time having a short conversation on the merits of shoes that took two people to get off (The buddy system! Safety in numbers!) and in the end I made a tiebreaker decision on two pairs of boots (The black ones would go with more clothes!) Basically, those two made my day--they were just obviously having such a good time, just trying on shoes.
But shoes weren't the point of this entry.
The point of this entry
was turtlessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
UPDATE: I have officially decided I will get one of each colour and the blue one will be Mr. Smiley and the green one will be Alphabet Soup, and they will be my happy little cheerleaders and I will cheerlead them too, and I will stack them one on top of the other and carry them around on my head and when it rains the one on top will get a little umbrella.
Also sometimes they'll spin around on my head and wave at people behind me with their little wiggly arms, and they will always be happy with me and love me no matter what and I will always hug them and keep them safe, and they will say encouraging things, like, "Yay, you put on pants, that was a good thing to do!" and, "You really did super good on not crying today," and, "Spaghetti is probably the best tasting thing on earth and so eating it will be super fun." And I will give them cuddles at night and we will all be best friends forever.