Bot Talks to People About School

Dec 09, 2012 17:50

Me: I'm sorry I'm distracted--I'm writing out a lab report...
Dear god I hate labs.
Theory work is much simpler.
Actual labs, if not individual, somebody wastes time and somebody breaks the machinery and this person doesn't know that they're doing and this takes longer than it should and this piece of equiptment is wrong, which was the TEACHER's fault, and by the end of it nobody's done and nobody's had enough time and half the crap is broken and everybody is scrambling and complaning because they don't have THIS at home and the school only had four and there were thirty people in the class and six to eight groups and everybody had to share. And nobody has the same data and everybody's missing some part and somebody lost their sheet and this whole group did it wrong and then that one person who said they'd email everybody does so at like six a night and then nobody hands it in ANYWAYS and so the teacher doesn't mark it, so it was all for nothing.

Rya: That sounds like hell.

Me: It's worse than Hell. It's life.

rya, ragefroth, argh!

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