Title: Brotherhood
Fandom: BBC's Robin Hood, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Eragon, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter...
Rating: T (PG-13)
Pairings: Robin/Marian, Doctor/Rose, Doctor/OC, Edward/OC, Edward/Bella, Peter/OC, Draco/OC
Disclaimer: Don't own the fandoms, only my imagination and the three OCs :)
Summary: Sienna is sent through a vortex along with her teacher and her best friend. Somehow they end up in Sherwood Forest where Robin Hood tells them of the legendary Brotherhood
Spoilers: BBC's Robin Hood season 1-2, Doctor Who season 1-4, Twilight; New Moon (movie), all LotR-, Harry Potter-, Narnia and Eragon-movies/books
She landed with a heavy thud on the ground and immediately rolled onto her back to be able to breathe again. It took her some time before she'd checked that she was alright and not until then, she stood up.
Jack and James were further down the hill, seemingly arguing about something.
"Well, well, what's the subject here then?" she asked and walked down to them. They turned.
"How can you be so calm?" James asked, seemingly shaken. "What happened was… impossible!"
"But fantastic!" Jack argued. "Agree with that, James. We actually travelled through a vortex!" Click here to
start from the beginning Remember to review! :D