Feb 12, 2004 03:05
Hindog threw out a great idea...top ten albums of all time. I don't think I can put them in any order, so I won't.
1. Jimmy Eat World - Clarity - A masterpiece of sampling, production, and songwriting.
2. Rolling Stones - Exile On Main St - Because this brought it all together.
3. Wilco - Being There - One of the most passionate albums I've ever heard.
4. Radiohead - OK Computer - Rubs you the wrong way in just the right way.
5. Superdrag - Head Trip In Every Key - Bitter rock that I couldn't live without.
6. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin I - Because they have to be on the list, and there is no better Zep album. (Though Houses of the Holy is a close second)
7. Oasis - (What's The Story) Morning Glory - Wonderfully crafted songs. The Beatles thirty-something years later.
8. The Beatles - Revolver - Because Tomorrow Never Knows predates the Chemical Brothers by three decades.
9. The Long Winters - When I Pretend To Fall - I'm going on the premise that I would be on a desert island and had to choose 10 albums. This would have to be one of them.
10. Guided By Voices - Do The Collapse - Because every time I listen to it I go "they didn't just do that, did they?"