Dec 05, 2005 06:07
This is a song we wrote in the living room,
fuck eminem we're writing a living room song,.
Barette doesn't know the meaning of no and stop,
as he rolls of the bed and gets eaten by the..
meow bitch,
oh fuck you grundge ain't dead.,
do you know the pain of your left breast growing,
as he wakes up at five am,
and walks around town,
i'm that bitch in vinyl,
Apple's that bitch in vinyl.
as they have their phone sex calls,
he was under his bed for 11 hours,
you're a disgrace to this family Tito,
so jenny tell us about your first blow job,
the air stinks with the smell of burning lust.
i felt fearful for my life,
pushes video over,
an ice cream cone,
i miss him as she takes the pen,
i can't imagine it with the dress and all.
everyone stay cool,
who's this?
spanky the wonder fag.
something special for the kids,
yeah Tori break dance,
stop spitting on people,
quiet the fuck down.
bleeding from the face,
my fucking ovaries,
watch out for our magical ovaries,
they're all whores.
as emo boys pants' illuminates,
as the strawberry's mind explodes with the thoughts of
le zombie boy,
as the apples brain explodes with thoughts of a pretty flower.
as watermellon's explodes with the thoughts of cynders.
oh no you're fucked now.
your face,
what's your terminal defect.
ah squish,
the salon movie has us in the background,
you think a bitch could take a hint,
we like transfusions of vodka to the skin,
woah back off the koolaid,
don't call the police don't do it.
this is the song that three of the beatles made,
in the living room,
bitch where are the fucking keys,