My batteries are running low
I cant keep my thoughts straight
Sometimes frozen flowers
remind me of dreamscapes and moonshine
This city greats me, holds me sweetly
Seattle lights and icy winds
aimless wondering
I've taken a chill
still walking
I can hear city speaking to me
Where are your friends today child?
I left them, I strayed
Where is your laughter today child?
I'm walking peacefully away
What of dancing in the fake rain?
No, not today
Child are you sad?
I'm grey
Today I walk away from a urban nation
Tonight I play in a dragqueen stair way
Tommorow I'm a dead girl witha dead boy
Snow stained boot prints
follow my every step
And the feeling never changes
I walked away
They tell me to talk to them about it
To understand why I'm so abnormal
near your name
With my strange mumbles
about saying I love you
Simple face change
I hear their words about you
Distructive, Unwanted, Hated
This isnt a fairytale
but I'm one pricess
Who refuses to make a wish
but the seatttle lights are high
and its a fairytale sky
I'm an angel
all my sins are understated
I've gone to oblivion on your existance
I cant remember to take my vitamins
I'd like to return my devotion [love]
It's defective
I cant seem to word it right from above
I'm flying in th sky
I'm cold and wet and
fingers numb
drinking from a shot glass
When everybody wants to know
how hard did I fall
I'm an angel
The wings were never white
All my sins are understated
and I display them for the world to see
on my back [black]
I'm anxious for some understanding
and heat wont turn on
I want you to tell me
that you werent lying all along
she says I'm a danger
The vinyl makes it worst
and you knew it all alone
I fell hard from the sky
unfeeling, isolated
and you broke it all away
The walls put around me
to protect my inner being
fell part when you walked my way
I'm an angel
Sometimes the halo isnt right
Your so perfect
Why have you never said the the one thing
To end my love tonight [my suffering]
they're not the words expected
from your mouth they mean nothing
So freely you tell me
all things that mean nothing
I'm floating
away from your memory
She handed me these wings
pushed me into the cold
told me I was perfect
and I did a dance all my own
I'm an angel
Somehow that seems so wrong