Fuck you back.

Mar 23, 2013 00:15

So I'm in the middle of a back spasm but I swore that I'd post so I'm posting.

The boys are 21 months and they'll be 22 months on the 9th of April. How are they almost two? When did that happen? They had tubes put in I think around January and their speech has started exploding. We don't have sentences but we do have a lot of Mama and Dada with purpose. Though Mike is trying to convince them to say Fahzah. They are A+ champion climbers and before we moved into the new place Seamus's favorite game, every night, was nurse, climb out of bed, run around bed, climb back in bed, nurse, repeat. Because he is a turkey. Archer on the other hand was just glad to wake up and get up. He'd pound on the door to let me know he wanted out.

Tonight I bathed both boys and let the water out of the tub and grabbed Seamus thinking Archer would just sit there and play with the toys in the bath with no water. Nope. He got himself out of the bath and put his naked butt on the couch to watch tv. Such wonderful, strange children.

I'm doing well. Work is same ol'. I gained back 15 of the 30lbs I lost, whoops. Now that I'm moved (mostly) I'm hoping I can get a routine going again. I did two days of yoga but I think I am officially in too much pain to actually do much but lay in bed and whine. I don't know. We'll see. Maybe I'll do easy yoga. I don't know.

I do spend a lot of time on tumblr if anyone is on there. Also I'm amused by instagram but I don't post a lot because taking pictures of things is stupid. I'm joking. Kind of. I'm a terrible photographer.

Blah, blah I'm totally drinking a beer and getting sleepy while I write this so I should probably quit while I'm ahead. Maybe.

Here's to more moving tomorrow! I think it's going to be books/CDs/posters and bagging up more trash. OH! And maybe FINALLY moving the pyrex bake ware. I also need to move a bottle opener. That's right I end up with back pain, actually have beer in the house and it's not twist off.

OH GOD TOTALLY UNRELATED my Mom gave me a Pur water filter forever ago and we couldn't get it on our sink. I put it on tonight. I have filtered water! I've started taking supplements at night so it's so awesome being able to go to bed and wake up to not crappy tasting water. Plus when I brew my coffee and tea it won't taste funky. It's totally the little things.

In news of the lame I am totally missing Southern Fried Burlesque Fest. Again. And I think I have to postpone the appointment I scheduled for my arm. I want to set everything on fire. Everything.

Bah. Really it's all good. I need to get around to setting up my pull up bar. Now that I've achieved the goal of reach toes my new goals are: bakasana for more than two seconds, headstand away from the wall, handstand on the wall EVERY TIME, and a pull up. I'm going easy on the chin ups/pull ups.

I am officially rambling. Whatever. Beer is kicking in. Maybe someone will want to sleep.

bullshit, not an entry about krowface, and toe touching!, please let me talk about myself, family, parenting is hard, body parts

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