I am not Mr. Spock

Jan 20, 2011 01:09

I had a friend who when he needed advice would ask me because of my logic. He came to call me his Spock.

My boss, upon hearing my news today asked repeatedly if I was okay. I said yeah, I thought so.

The reason she was asking was she said she knows how logical I am, and she wanted to know if I was okay.

I didn't realize how firm my game face was on. I figured it'd just take me really looking at it to start crying. To really think.

The more I think the more I cry.

The best summation is that while I did, in my opinion, lose a family member today what I lost, along with the rest of the world, was a really, really good person.

I feel like too often we're faced with truly awful people who make terrible decisions and they're callous and unthoughtful and so selfish. Tony wasn't that guy. He was so wonderful. So warm.

To you Tony. To Daygo bread. To fresh pots of coffee. To good food. To family. To the best cheese dip any one person could ever make or consume. To amazing mustard potato salad. To a loving, lasting marriage. To understanding and compassion.

I loved, and love you, so, so much. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this in person, but you would have waved your hand anyway and told me it didn't matter. That we were family and it was okay.

My little Yoda grandfather. With your big ears and your refusal to wear shirts. You could fill an entire room with your sheer presence.

I have missed you and I will miss you. I'm sorry my children won't get to meet you.

Edit: I feel it's important to note that Tony is not my blood grandfather, yet is to this day the closest thing to a Grandfather I have ever had. I would call him, when I would remember, on father's day.
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