'Scope Overload (w/ Commentary)

Sep 23, 2006 08:24


The New Moon occurs today in the detail-oriented zodiac sign of Virgo. This signals a dramatic shift in partnership standings. A recent frontrunner is winding things down, but a new romance emerges. Are you prepared to love this unexpected winner? Huh? Jon has won my heart for keeps... so this 'scope doesn't apply to me at all!

Give yourself some time and space to examine recent events in your life, then reset your course. Test it out by taking things nice and easy at first. You'll realize you can dictate the outcome of your life. Hmm...

If you need a leg up toward reaching your latest goal, the perfect solution makes itself known today. Get ready for a new person to arrive who catches your eye -- and possibly makes your heart skip a beat. Let your heart guide you on this one, because any decisions you make are critical. They could have ramifications for the rest of your life. But then again, every choice you make helps pave the road you're on. Just make sure every time you choose, your heart is in agreement. Eh? Cryptic much?

Make sure every time you make a decision today that your heart is in agreement. Okay, that I can understand.

Do what you need to do to loosen up -- stretch, walk, do some yoga. When your body's flexible, your mind will follow -- and you'll want to be in a flexible headspace for what's happening romantically now. Okay.


Today marks the first full day of the Sun visiting the zodiac sign of Libra. For the next month, partnerships and romance dominate your mindset. A passionate exchange of ideas and feelings occurs often starting today. Do you have a lover in mind? Yes... Jon! Duh...

Is this really a matter of life or death? Take a deep breath and a step back. Next, call your most sensible friend or family member and state the facts. What you thought was a mountain is only a speed bump. Hmph... okay.

You know that feeling you get when you approach a traffic jam on the highway? You can't turn back -- you have no other option but to head right into it. It's not fun. But the interesting thing is that the jam never lasts as long as you fear. Inch by inch, you edge your way to your destination. Today, life feels a bit like that: intimidating or annoying at first. But once you get into it, the day is over before you know it -- and you're right where you need to be. This describes my housework right now!

Today an unpleasant task will be over before you know it -- so dive right in. Chores are always unpleasant tasks!

If things get a bit rocky between the two of you, try to avoid retreating into your shell. It may be a little scary to remain engaged and to process the issue, but you'll be glad you did. Okay.

food for thought, horoscopes

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