Survey (Swiped from Nancy)

Sep 21, 2006 19:57

1.Your Middle Name: Lynn
2. Age: 26
3. Single or Taken: Trying to become legally single, but am taken nonetheless.
4. Favorite Movie: Eh... too many.
5. Favorite Song: Again... too many.
6. Favorite Band/Artist: The Beatles, if held at gunpoint and forced to decide.
7. Vanilla or Not Vanilla: Depends on mah mood.
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: None yet/3
9. What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? This is from Monty Python & The Search for the Holy Grail, but I don't remember the answer.

HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...

1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Yup, you got me hooked on LJ!
2. Whats your philosophy on life? "Life is too short to hold a grudge or live in the past... let it go & live for today."
3. Would you have my back in a fight? Of course!
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Eh... I don't know. I tend to confide in you about everything, even when I think you might be disappointed in me.
5. What is your favorite memory of us? Me practicing to get my drivers' license renewed... but then again, there are too many, aren't there?
6. Would you give me a zerbert? Eh? What's that?
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I can raise my left eyebrow independent of the other.
8. Would you take care of me if I'm sick? Sure, unless you're puking, then I don't really think I would, I have a tender tummy.
9. What's your weirdest/most fun/favorite link: Hmm... I guess
10. Have you heard any good jokes lately? Share! Well, Natey called Charles a "dee-dee-dee" (Carlos Mencia's slang word for "retard") on Monday! LOL =)
11. If a surrealist and a post-modernist get into a knife fight, who'd win? I don't know.
12. Do you think people are mostly good or mostly bad? I agree with Anne Frank on this one: "It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."
13. Would you fly to Paris with me? Sure.
14. What was the dumbest souvenir you ever bought and where did you get it? Eh... I don't remember.
15. If you could change any single event in history, what would it be? Would you change it? I can't think of anything right now.
16. What do you wear to sleep? Full outfit... I have to... I don't have my bedroom set up yet, thanks to my t00pid landlord not fixing the back porch* ~ after nearly a year!
17. Would you come over for no reason, just to hang out? I wish I could, then we could chat like old times, sans ciggies for both of us.
18. Would you go to a museum with me, if I asked you? How about Vegas? Sure! I dunno... Vegas scares me.
19. If we only had one day to live, what would we do together? Probably "crawl the mall" or something.
20. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? Sure.

* = 2 bum-looking schmucks were in my back yard today actually fixing the support beam for the back porch... so hopefully it's fixed now! *crosses fingers*

memes, etc, landlords suck, surveys

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