Feb 11, 2004 00:40
Q)Who is your favorite President?
(That's right, commie, you have to pick one!)
A)Lets see, I am tempted to pick a foreign president since you didn't specify as to which country but I think I'll just go with...Lincoln. He seems to have done one of the most progressive things of his time. Even if many a village was burnt to the ground in the process.
Q)What would you name your yacht, if you had one?
A)Maybe McGyver (?)...or jonny, I don't konw.
Q)Where would you like to travel next?
A)Israel! Will be there hopefully in July.
Q)When was the last time you went to the dentist?
A)approximately 6-8 months ago.
Q)Why did you get a livejournal?
A)Initially because it seemed cool and Keshet, among other peope I knew, had it.
In filling out this questionnaire I forfeited my right to not perpetuate this silliness, so anyone wishing to answer five mysterious questions created by me, the wonderful Ben ......ss, should please post a comment and I will oblige to answer.