And it's only Tuesday

Feb 13, 2007 21:05

What a week, and it's only Tuesday. God I wish it was over.

Last week, Samantha, our elderly cat wasn't eating and was so lethargic, both Tom and I went to bed convinced we were going to find she'd died in the night. But in the morning, she seemed a little better and for a next few days, she began to eat at least some of her food. This afternoon, Tom got home to find her again acting very out of it, having crapped and thrown up all over the downstairs. He called me at work, and I met them at the vet. By the time I got there, the vet had examined her and said there was nothing he could do. Sammy had a large tumor on her liver and he felt smaller ones on her kidneys. He could try a massive dose of antibiotics, but it would only put off the inevitable for maybe a month. It was so sad--we couldn't see putting her through all of that only to have her worsen over the next few weeks and finally go. We decided to have her put to sleep, and I'm a weepy mess. That cat tolerated me, but she loved Tom beyond all reason. We had her for 18 years--the kids grew up with her.

Tomorrow morning is going to be so hard--not having her there meowing to be fed.

We went over to Aimee's. The only thing that cheers me up when I'm sad now is Kyle. He was unbelieveable--he cooed and babbled the entire time we were there, which was amazing because he is NOT at his best at 5:30. But he was laughing and being incredibly adorable. I fed him his oatmeal and bananas and then we watched Aimee give him his bath. He's such a butterball--rolls and creases all over the place. It was the very best therapy I could have had.

All this on top of going to the surgeon yesterday. He's really good. He answered a lot of questions, mainly why are they thinking that now I should have the whole thyroid out (both he and my regular endocrinologist think that) as opposed to back in July when we were just going to monitor it. Well, back in July, I was sick as a dog, and we weren't sure that I would respond so well to the radiation and be clear after. Now, I'm healthy and with nodules on both sides of the thyroid, it's time to address that. I can live very well without the thyroid and don't have to have even that slight risk to my health. So, I have a date for the surgery--May 31. We're going on our cruise the week before, which is good. I don't have to worry about not feeling good for the cruise and hopefully, won't be thinking about the surgery while I'm busy having fun.

And it's going to snow. Shit. I hate driving to work in bad weather, and we'd need 18 inches of snow before my company closes. I can't take any more week.
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