Home long enough to do laundry

Jan 25, 2007 21:33

Well, I'm just the little traveler this week. I went on my first ever business trip to Nashville on Monday, coming home last night. I loved it. Absolutely, every minute, even the ones where I was actually working. I went with a guy from work and we delivered some training to the Nashville office of our company. I'm 53 years old and have never stayed alone in a hotel room. It was wonderful. I saw the original Grand Old Opry (screaming "Coal Miner's Daughter" in my bosses ear as we drove past) and the new Grand Old Opry which wasn't nearly as exciting.

Now, we work with a dweeby young guy who is extremely high strung and goofy as hell. He reminds me of a whippet--thin, nervous and shaking all over from too much Red Bull. Whippet-boy gave me some money to buy him a shot glass that said Nashville on it. He's gone to Nashville twice with our boss and both times he was dying to go to Coyote Ugly. On Monday night, the big boss (from TN) took us and a bunch of people from the office to The Palm for dinner, which was incredible. I could get used to being wined and dined like that! Then our big boss (BB from here on) wanted to play darts with Joe, my traveling companion--a longstanding but friendly grudge match. We went to a bar called Buffalo Billiards, so the guys could play and guess what is located downstairs.....Coyote Ugly. So, we went downstairs (on my suggestion, I'll have you know) and I bought Whippet-boy a six inch tall shot glass from Coyote Ugly. The bar is wild, but I noticed the women dancing on the bar weren't all young--at least one was my age. I declined all suggestions from the group to get up there too. Whippet-boy just about died when he found out we'd gone there. I think I went up a billion degrees in his estimation.

So, I'm home for one night and then it's on for a girl's weekend in Boston with friends. My husband must be wondering who that phantom woman is who flew in and flew right back out of the house. I managed to do a load of laundry and repacked my bags, though with jeans and sweaters instead of work clothes. I'm hoping very hard to see either or both Comice and Suzanne_laura, but I know Mom and Dad need them. Still, I'm crossing my fingers and toes. And I was hoping to see Lilydale too, but I just checked her LJ and she's in NYC. Rats.
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