those eyes part V

May 24, 2004 15:32

Sorry for the long delay! I should have updated sooner, but I just haven't had the time. Anyway, I hope that you'll think the wait time was worth it because it's gotten just a bit juicier since the last time. That and this section is about twice as long as the other ones. So, here it goes:

Title: Those Eyes part V
Author: Draculadeeda
Pairing: Danlijah
Rating: I'll take a stab and say R
Summary: What happens when the party is cancelled? *music of doom*
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, and I'm almost 100% certain that none of this has ever happened.

“Is there something you wanted?”

* * *

Elijah managed to shake himself back into reality. “Uh, I was going to ask you if…um, I wanted to know if… Do you want me? I mean, do you want me to turn on the radio or put in a CD or something? We’ve been riding in silence for a while now.”

“Oh, yeah. Music. Sure. That’d be great.”

After going through most of the stations, he had given up hope on finding anything, so he just put in one of his own CDs. “The Smashing Pumpkins ok?”

“I’m more into punk, but I suppose any sort of rock will do for now. I mean, what other choice have I got?”

“So, punk, eh? Punk is ok, I guess. What’s your favourite band?”

“I like lots of bands, really, but if I have to pick, then… the Sex Pistols. Sid was a brilliant guy, but he could have been better. I mean, the music was great and everything, but Sid could have done without Nancy. Oh, and the drugs. Horrible stuff. It always made him act like he was mad. But, I like his style. The shirts and the hair and everything. I liked the way he wore that chain with the lock on it. I tried to do that once, except it made me look like a dog that had gotten away. It’s ok though. I’m not really one to wear jewelry anyway.” Elijah stared at him with a grin and shook his head. “Sorry, am I talking too much?”

“No, not at all. It’s just… are you always like this? I mean, this excited and enthusiastic? Or is it that I just feed you a whole pound of sugar?”

He crinkled his nose and stared into the sky, “I think it’s a bit of both, actually. I mean, I’m always excited, but never this excited. And we are going to a party tonight, and I think it’s going to be fun. The people, the food. I wonder what kind of food they’ll have. Probably cheese and all that. They always have cheese at parties. I doubt they’ll have alcohol. It is a teen magazine after all. Or maybe they might. I don’t really know. Are you even listening to me?” He looked at Elijah who had sort of drifted away while listening to the music. “Hello?”

Elijah turned to look at Danny over the top of his sunglasses He smirked and nodded his head with the beat. Then with over exaggerated facial expressions, he sang, “We all want to hold in the everlasting gaze, enchanted in the rapture of a sentimental sway. But underneath the wheels lie the skulls of every C.O.G. The fickle fascination of an everlasting God. You know I‘m not dead. I’m just living in my head. Forever waiting. Forever waiting on cruel death.”

“You’re a little off, you know that?”

“What? Ok, so I’m not the best singer in the world, but I’m taking lessons, thank you.”

“I wasn’t talking about your singing. I was talking about your sanity.”

“Oh, and you’re so sane? Mr. I’ll just babble on and on about nothing and eat sugar in place of regular meals, then I think I’ll go and open a door with my ass? Yes, you’re so much higher on the scale than I am.”

Danny sat looking slightly aghast then gave a childish pout, the sort of look that says, I’m so incredibly hurt, but we both know that’s not true.

Damn that’s sexy, thought Elijah, Why is that so sexy? Those pouty, little lips. Those big, sad eyes. He looks like a puppy. A sexy, vulnerable, 13 year-old puppy. “Please stop that.”

With the pout still on his face, “Stop what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“THAT! Stop it! You’ll drive me crazy. I hate it when kids do that.”

“Kid?” the pout turns into a brood, “I’m thirteen, thank you. That’s a teenager, not a child.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. You’re not a child. You’re so much more…” The last sentence came out as a whisper.

“What did you say?”

“Uh, we’re here,” he says gesturing to the building on the left, “Home.”

“Home, but I thought that L.A…”

“Oh, no. I was just staying with some friends. I live here with my sister. I think she’ll really like you. C’mon, get your stuff. We’ll get you settled first, then we’ll go and get you something for the party.”

Daniel grabbed the bag that Elijah hadn’t yet latched onto and made his way up the steps.

Elijah walked over to a blinking answering machine. There was only one message, so he pushed the button and out popped Hannah‘s voice.

“Hey, ‘Lij! It’s Me. They needed a filler for a commercial, so by the time you get this, I’ll have traded places with you in L.A. By the way, some magazine and Dom called. They both said that it’s cancelled. Not really sure what that means. You never tell me anything. But anyway, I’ll be back on Tuesday. Behave yourself, and don’t miss me too much. Love you. Bye.”

“Well, the party is cancelled, so that sucks. But at least the sleeping arrangements are solved. I was gonna make you sleep on the couch…”

“Me? The couch? You’re joking, right? I’m the guest. I should at least get a bed, shouldn’t I?”

“I was only joking, Danny. You can sleep in my bed.”

Dan had to pick his jaw up off of the floor.

“I’ll sleep in Hannah’s room. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t want some strange guy sleeping in her bed while she’s not around. They’re only allowed to do that when she’s here,” Elijah joked, elbowing Dan in the ribs.

Dan smiled weakly and tried to think about anything other than whether or not Elijah ever slept naked.

“So, what do you think we should do since the party’s been cancelled?”

Warm summer’s day. No choice but to sleep in only boxers, Daniel thought, Possibly less…


Naked between the soft sheets. No doubt the expensive, silky kind…

“Earth to Captain Dan?”

Danny heard his other voice, Hello, you git! He’s talking to you! And stop that! You and your filthy little mind…

“Huh? Oh yeah, plans… I don’t know. What is there to do around here?” Besides you…

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe, I said stop that!

Oh, yeah. Sorry…

“Well, have you ever been to a club? I heard that there are some pretty decent ones around here. Some rock ones, some techno ones. Whatever tickles your fancy.”

I’d like to tickle your fancy…


Ok! I’m sorry. Git…

Do you realize that you just called yourself a git?

What? Oh. Yeah. Well… Sod off!

“I’ll take whatever comes highly recommended,” Dan said while brushing an imaginary something off his shoulder.

“Well, there’s one called Glysamika that just opened up. I heard it’s supposed to be awesome. It‘s eclectic, so I‘m pretty sure they‘ll play something we‘ll like. Sound good?”

“Am I even old enough to get into the clubs here? I mean back in England we…”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I am the fabulous Elijah Wood. I could break you out of prison with my charm alone.” Of course, if you were in jail, I’d keep you there, find a way for myself to get in, then I’d make you my bitch…

Elijah Jordan Wood!!!

Dammit! I thought I told you to stay out of my business from now on! I’m an adult now! I can make my own decisions!


“Yeah, I guess we could go, but I still don’t have anything to wear,” He dumped the contents of his suitcase on the floor and explained, “None of this is exactly club wear, is it?”

Elijah sifted through the piles of button up shirts and vintage tees, “Well, I don’t know. Some of this stuff has promise. Definitely none of the pants though. Dressy, khaki trousers aren’t your friend at the clubs. And your jeans are a bit too casual. How about a little shopping? What‘s your taste? Designer? Vintage?”

“Vintage, obviously.”

“Well, c’mon then, Danny boy. Back in the car with you,” Elijah said motioning toward the door.

* * *

Elijah pushed his way through the door of what he hoped would be the last store they would be going to, “You’re entirely too picky for someone who doesn’t even know what he’s looking for, you know that?”

“I haven’t quite found the right look yet. I want to look cool and edgy. Everything we’ve found so far has only been one or the other. I want to be Dan.”

“I’m sorry, but haven’t you been Dan your entire life?”

“No, you don’t understand. So far, I’ve either been Danny or Daniel. Danny is the little boy who is Harry Potter. Daniel is far too sophisticated and adult for what I’m going for. Now you see, Dan is a bit in between. Dan is someone you would take to the club. Danny is too young, and Daniel wouldn’t fit in. Dan, however, is perfect.”

“Well,” Elijah started while pouring through a rack of clothing, “Is this Dan enough for you?”

He held up a pair of brown, leather pants. The slick, shiny kind.

Daniel nodded in approval, “Those might work.”

He took the pants from Elijah and made his way to the dressing room.

He walked out a few minutes later, the pants sagging. “I think they’re too big.”

“Yeah, they are. You go take those off and I’ll see if I can find you some more.” Elijah made his way back to the racks.

Danny closed the curtains behind himself and undid the button of the trousers. The zipper, however, wouldn’t budge. “Bugger!”

Elijah came back and stood in front of the dressing room, another pair of leather pants in hand, “Everything ok in there?”

Dan poked his head out through the curtains and looked around worriedly. “I’m having a bit of a problem with the zipper.”

“What sort of a problem?”

“It won’t move at all!”

“Shit. Ok, let me see if I can help.”

He slid through the curtains and stood there for a moment. He placed his hands on Dan’s hips and stared down at his crotch. He had suddenly forgotten why he was there in the first place.

Daniel stared down at the hands that had now taken purchase on his hips. He began to feel a bit of a tingle. Oh God, not now…

“Uh, are you going to help me, or not?” Dan asked nervously.

Elijah blinked himself out of his trance. “Help? Oh yeah, right. Let me see here…”

He kneeled down and allowed one hand to remain on Dan’s hip while the other slowly slid forward over the front of the pants before resting on the zipper. He ran his finger over the length of the zipper track lightly. “It doesn’t look like there’s any fabric caught in it from the outside, but there might be some on the inside.”

Dan tried to look anywhere but down. That proved to be too hard. The looking down part, not the part part. Ok, so maybe that was a bit hard too, but he hoped it would just go away. “Right,” He gulped, “Inside.”

Elijah tugged on the zipper a few times, but nothing happened. Nothing having to do with the zipper anyway. He moved his hand from Dan’s hip to the small of his back and pulled him forward for better control. A few more tugs, and still nothing.

“I think we need a bit of lubrication,” Elijah said pulling a tube of chap stick out of his back pocket. He coated one of his fingers with it and ran it over the track of the zipper. “I think it might help if I…” He placed his thumb over the button of the pants and slid the rest of his fingers just barely inside. He could feel the soft fabric of Dan’s boxers on the backs of his fingertips.

Danny rolled his head back and closed his eyes. God, this is not happening. Elijah Wood has his hand down the front of my pants. It’s not real, it just can’t be. I’m going to wake up now, aren’t I?

Elijah pulled the zipper firmly one last time before it became free. He continued to undo the zipper slowly, tooth by tooth. He had even begun to pull the pants down off of Dan’s hips before he remembered where he was and what he was doing. “Uh, sorry. I suppose I should let you finish this yourself.” He handed Dan the pair of pants he had selected earlier and disappeared between the curtains again.

Dan took the pants off the rest of the way. By now, his face had become burning red, and he was almost completely hard. This is definitely not a good time for this. Not a good time at all…

He sat for a moment on the little bench taking deep breaths and clearing his mind. He had managed to will it down enough to where it couldn’t be noticed under his pants, or so he hoped.

He stepped into the other pants and had to wiggle his way into them. These ones were a bit tighter than the others, but he liked them. They were black, soft, and shiny. Perfect. He slipped on a tee of his own choosing. Dark, faded Ramones, of course. It was a bit smaller than he was used to, but he thought it worked with his whole Dan look.

He got out of the dressing room and stared at the mirror in front of him. He turned around to check the fit from every angle. He moved his hips a bit to see how the pants moved with him. Nice and smooth. And all the while, Elijah watched him.

I’ll be damned if that isn’t the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen. Does he always strut like that when he tries on clothes? It’s kind of cute. Wait, is he checking out his own ass in the mirror? Haha. Well, at least he knows what people will be looking at. That’s what I’d be looking at anyway. Whoa, is that? Well hello, Daniel! Where on Earth did a boy like you get a bulge like that? There shouldn’t be that much of a bulge should there? Not for someone his age. I mean, not unless he’s excited about something. I didn’t have anything to do with that did I? If that’s the case, I hope I had everything to do with it.

“So,” Daniel asks, “What do you think? Not too much is it?”

“No. Not at all. It looks good.” Good enough to eat. “You should go with the whole outfit.”

“Alright then. I’ll just go change.” Danny works his way back through the curtains.

“Hey, Danny?”

He pokes his head back out, “Yeah?”

“You’ll tell me if you need more help, right?”

Dan blushes, nods, and pulls his head back inside.

By the way, any suggestions for a new title? This is really only the working title, and I loathe it so much it's not funny.
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