Oct 27, 2008 20:17
I'm going to post today because I actually think I have something to say this time. Recently, I've just really had nothing to talk about on here. I read the journal entries though and make comments. I had a nice surprise last thursday. Signed up for a Wii Tennis Tournament early that day and we had the tournament at 5pm. It ended up being a doubles match where you were teamed up with a stranger. I ended up with a muslim from Afghanistan. He had never played the game before but by the third game he was a pro. We totally destroyed them and as a prize won a Ipod Nano! Funny thing was, I didn't realize till afterwards that I had meet him before. He came into my History 150 classes to give a talk about Islam. It was pretty good and I had stayed afterwards to talk. We may end up hanging out. Also, the day before on Wednesday, I went to a Mexico presentation for extra credit. Meet up with one of my fellow National Defense Policy classmates. She was there for another class, she is also in my project group. She the sportsie, intellectual type. Pretty cute too. We talked for a bit. Then the speaker, Elias spoke for a while. Near the end during the question and answer part a Russian girl and her Pakistani friend started asking questions. After a few questions I started to get excited because they started talking about things that I really like to discuss. Social issues, starting a cause to fix things, sort of revolutionary ideas, some big intellectual questions and these are things I loved to talk about so many years ago. I don't know how many of you knew this but I used to have some extreme revolutionary ideals way back in middle school. Back around the time when Communism really called out to me. Fighting for the poor and working class. Anyways, so I just had to talk with them afterwards. I went on over and starting conversing. I'd say that Natalie is a pretty interesting person. We talked about world issues and some leaders. I was talking about stuff that had been collecting cobwebs in my head. Some stuff that I only talk to my mom about. She's really where I got most of my ways from. My mom is weird and I love her. The only real person that I really love giving gifts. To get back on track, we talked and I got to speak to the Pakistani whose name I forgot and her other Russian friend who was a business major. Really, I haven't been able to discuss philosophical ideas like that in a while. It was good and ended up adding her on Facebook. I really hope I meet more interesting people like that here. I'm so sick of meeting ordinary people (White people).
Other news, I received my award certificate for making the Dean's List last Saturday then lost it... I dropped it and then came back and it was gone. Luckily some one turned it in at the Science building so I picked it up today after school. I also received a cardinal pin that says Dean's list, aren't I special. Ugh, I hope I make the list again because I've been having troubles keeping my grades up this semester. I procrastinate way to damn much. I'm going to have to kick it into high gear! On Sunday I was inducted into the Golden Key Society, which was cool. I'm proud of myself for making it into the top 15% of the class, however I might not remain there come this semester... I got an a award certificate from them too and talked with a few people there. Had some awesome punch and this time didn't forget my award there.
Also spent most the weekend working on my costume. I've got it pretty much done. Got all the straps made and worked out right. Made a holster and workable backpack set up and all I have left is the superscope. Once that is set up, I'm going to put everything on and see what it looks like. I really like the job I did on the straps. It's similar to a parachute set up and I'd say looks pretty snazzy. Yep, I love to saw and make things. Makes me feel super productive even thought I didn't do any homework or study for my test today. I was able to study this morning so I hope I did good. I believe I got the essays done well. Some better than others.
I plan on working on compaigning for the democrats tomorrow. Been gone for a while on that front do to time constraints. I've been going to NASA, which is the Native American Association. That's been fun being able to meet up with more Natives and interacting with interesting people. I also am the Vice-president of the German club and we are supposed to have a part come this thursday. I'm going to try and be as helpful as possible and get involved with that. I am also in the Alpha Mu Gamma language association. We did a bake and book sale and raised 175$ to go for Harvestfest this November. Its a multicultural event where you get to meet people and eat food from other countries. I may be doing the polka to represent the German Club. I gotsta represent my hood.
Well, that's pretty much it. I'm, thirsty