I Don't Get It...

Nov 11, 2010 16:12

So... my family is fucked. By family, I am not referring to Michelle and Max but am talking about my parents and siblings. First of all, there's that little thing that happened back in 1990 when both of my parents decided that they didn't want to be parents anymore (see: Camden Whores, Abandonment, Living Alone, Severely Confused). Whatever, that's old news and while I don't think I'll fully get over the choices my parents made, it's mud under the bridge.

While my parents have been Batshits for most of my life, my sisters have been very sane and cool people. Jenn was born Nov of 1970 and Jackie in Oct of 1971 which means the two of them are less than a year apart and therefore, they have always been close friends whereas I have always been the much younger sibling who was never quite "cool" enough to develop a close relationship them. Again... whatever.

The weird thing is that over the past 12 months, some sort of feud has been developing between my sisters that is now to the point where Jenn no longer talks to Jackie and Jenn wants no part of seeing the rest of her family on holidays not named Christmas. According to Jenn, Jackie has changed (she can't state any actual ways) and according to Jackie, she has no idea why her and Jenn don't talk or why Jenn wants nothing to do with her. Whatever their deal is, it's THEIR deal and I don't really don't want to get involved.

So why am I writing about this? Probably because this sort of shit annoys me. If you're friends with someone and then you decide you no longer want to talk to them at all, I think you should at least give them a heads-up. "Hey, I know we were cool before and all but you just get on my fucking nerves now, sooooo yeah... I'm out."

I once took a friend out for dinner on his birthday when I was working at Wal-Mart pulling in a SWEET $90 a week. I took the dude out to Champs on Rt. 73 in Marlton. All was well, we had a great night, and the MotherFucker ordered some expensive shit off of the menu. The bill ended up being well over $100 which was more than my paycheck. The next day, I received an e-mail from him that stated no more than this, "I no longer want to be friends with you."

I was confused and pissed, but I appreciated the heads-up... I just wish I had a clue as to what the fuck happened. A few years went by without me seeing or talking to him until I saw him while skiing up at The Poconos. OUT OF NOWHERE, Dude asked me to be in his fucking wedding. I was shocked, SHOCKED I say. I was sooooo caught off-guard that I said yes. I barely saw the guy leading up to the wedding, didn't attend his bachelor party, and have seen him two or three times in social settings since his wedding. That was seven years so yeah... what a fucking confusing asshole that guy was/is.

Anyway, where was I? Ahhh... yes. So if you no longer want to talk to someone who is a friend, you should give them a heads-up. Now, if we're talking sibling... I definitely think you owe an explanation to your sibling as to why you no longer want to see them/talk to them any longer especially if you're going to dip out on family gatherings at the holidays. So this year when my sister Jenn and her family aren't present at Thanksgiving, I'm sure we won't talk about why she isn't there and instead focus on who *is* there but it'll still be more than a little fucked up since none of us really know why.
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