An open letter to Lawrence Khong

Feb 06, 2014 03:53

In case some of you haven't heard, recently the Health Promotion Board published an informative and unbiased FAQ regarding sexuality. Under pressure by a certain group of individuals who felt that it was "pro-LGBT" and anti-family, HPB amended its FAQ and removed the link to Oogachaga, an LGBT support group, under its "Where can my child find support in Singapore?" section. There is currently a petition going around to review the entire FAQ. Some of you may know a pastor Lawrence Khong, who is the chairman of LoveSingapore, a network of churches in Singapore. He wrote a response to HPB's FAQs on sexuality.

I'm still in disbelief that such a disgusting and ignorant article was written by a Singaporean. How is this backward mindset still existing in such a technologically and economically advanced country such as Singapore? My brain just can't process what I've just read.

Dear Lawrence Khong,

Issue 1:
If a relationship in which it is impossible to procreate is "abnormal" and "unnatural", then why are infertile men and women allowed to get into relationships without anyone kicking up a big fuss? We are considered different from other animals because we have the ability to reason, so why is the argument against homosexuality the lack of ability to procreate, as though our sole purpose is to do just that? "Moral objection is based on the intrinsic physiological nature of the male and female bodies." Tell that to the tens of thousands of people who are biologically incapable of procreating. I have raised this issue multiple times with people who support your argument, but have never received a satisfactory response, or even a response at all.
I also take issue with your implication that the law sets the standard for what is moral or immoral. The law doesn't allow the import of chewing gum. Would you consider that immoral, Pastor Khong?

Issue 2:
Do you know what is "unjust and harmful"? Asking the Health Promotion Board  to include "avenues of care" like Liberty League. Browsing through their Facebook page brought up things like "sexuality gone wrong" and "sexual brokenness". Pray tell, why would you want a confused and maybe helpless young person to call an organisation which would only serve to make them feel worse about themselves? How is it helpful or beneficial to anyone to have these people call a hotline only to be told that they are sinning, or rejects, or morally wrong? Do you not worry that some of these people may hurt themselves even further emotionally by rejecting and repressing themselves, or maybe even take their own lives? Suicide rates are highest among LGBT individuals, and you want to continue to essentially tell them that they are horrible people? Now that is "unjust and harmful".

Issue 3:
Oh, I'm sorry that the word "homophobia" is "misleading and highly offensive" to you. Gay people have only been called much worse names, been bullied and made fun of their entire lives, many to the point that they have chosen to take their own lives, instead of suffer any more rejection. It breaks my heart that many have chosen this path because of societal rejection. I can't say that I'm sorry that the use of the word "homophobia" has simply rubbed you the wrong way, though. What is your mild annoyance compared to the decades of repression, bullying and hate crimes suffered by the LGBT community?
"We do not despise homosexuals or hold them in contempt. We esteem them as fellow human beings of intrinsic worth. Each one is precious, deserving respect and love, just like anyone else." Now you're just being condescending, Pastor Khong. If homosexuals are what you claim, why are you trying so hard to reject them, change them and repress them? If you respect and love someone, you don't make them suffer. You try to understand and accept them, even if it takes time.

Issue 4:
Cite your sources. Do you mean Paul Cameron's The Lifespan of Homosexuals? One only has to glance through the "research methodology" to see what is gravely flawed in this "study".

Issue 5:
"An unproven assertion that homosexuals can have long-lasting relationships"? What do you mean by long-lasting? Twenty years? Ten? Five? It only takes a simple Google search to bring up many examples of loving homosexual partners that have been together for decades. I am also interested to see what your sources are, because you haven't cited a single source for all your sweeping statements.


You place so much emphasis on family and the family unit. I'm assuming this means a father, a mother, and child(ren). You are a pastor, practising a religion that promotes love and acceptance. How can it be that this loving and accepting religion is so excluding of different family units (as you have implied about your religion and its values)? What about single mothers who have to bring their children up alone? Or children brought up by grandparents or aunts and uncles? They do not form traditional family units either, but I am sure that you would not reject or even say anything about these families, because what are they doing wrong, really?

The kind of Singapore I want, and I am sure many others want, is a diverse, accepting, loving and overall happy nation. Not a draconian and authoritative nation which tells its citizens who we can or cannot love. If you love this nation so much, then stop rejecting its citizens. Make a positive change and start spreading love and acceptance instead of hate and ignorance.


Take a minute to sign this petition to restore HPB's FAQs to its original, which was very helpful, completely objective and informative.

homosexuality, homophobia, thoughts, letter

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