
Nov 12, 2010 20:24

Okay, so i'm not a very good LJ-er these days, but I do read what you all post! Just a quick update on us here right now.

Lizzie continues to grow like wildfire. She's already in 6 month stuff in Carter's brand (the biggest cut clothing) and it's all length. She's only chubby right before she gets taller. She's more beautiful by the day and more fun, too. She's discovered her right hand and is absolutely passionate about it. Left hand exists, but only just barely! Her smiles are infrequent and don't last long, but when she does smile, it's all over her face. She's got my capacity to smile and Jacob's frequency. She coos and chatters and talks up a storm, too. Her head-control is *ace* provided she's not sleepy and she's loving sitting up and looking around with some help. Her three-month birthday is the 17th.

I'm doing good, though lonely a lot of the time with Jacob working and no-one left around here to hang out with. I've got to think of something brilliant to do in order to meet some people. And mommy groups are not the right answer for me.

Jacob is disgruntled with his work. In the past 6 weeks, he's had 1 nine day stretch and 2 seven day stretches. He's really tired and unhappy with this turn of events and I can't say I blame him. I can only hope that his boss with stop doing this before long.

We've been watching season 5 of Doctor Who and I have to admit I have mixed feelings about Matt Smith. We are only 4 episodes in, so I'm willing to give him more time. I *do* like the Skittles Daleks tho. Somehow they are *far* less menacing to me now.

Otherwise, boring!
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