Originally posted at
Uncreated Conscience.
New post at
Running Roommates!
Don't be fooled; this is not snow. It's ice.
Things I Learned This Past Weekend
- Running on ice works all the small muscle groups in your legs.
- Running on ice when you have one flat foot also causes blisters.
- You should always live with a tall roommate so she can do things like change your lightbulbs for you.
I’ve read MAGIC UNDER GLASS and I’m itching to discuss it, but I shall postpone that blog post for another day when I have more time. Things are picking up around here-good for business, bad for my sanity. Also, this Friday is
Masquerade Prom and I have to figure out how I’m going to get ready for it when I have a full work day. Can I curl my hair on the New Jersey Transit, do you think?
Mum is in town and I’ve subjected her to a healthy dose of icky snow. Too bad she couldn’t bring southern Californian sunshine with her. I am so over February. Hell, I’m so over winter it’s not even funny.