Originally posted at
Uncreated Conscience.
Thanksgiving dinner!
As I have for the past three years, I am spending Thanksgiving with Bear and his family because New Jersey is a lot closer to New York City than California. Thanksgiving at Chez Sacramento Joneses (my branch of the Jones family broke with tradition to settle in southern California instead of NorCal) was very traditionally American-turkey (tofurkey for me), mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, stuffing, sweet potatoes baked with brown sugar and cinnamon, etc.-but not so Bear’s family.
Bear comes from a mixed racial background, the same as me, but his Thanksgiving dinners reflect a bit of his heritage: Indian-Portuguese (Goan)/Slovak. This year we have paneer, chicken curry, and pilau rice in addition to turkey and all its accoutrements. Bear’s younger brother is vegetarian like me, so the Indian food is for us.
Things I Am Thankful For
- A warm Bear and a fuzzy White-Harp
- A job I love
- My family (nuclear, extended, forged, and found)
- The winners of St. Martin’s “New Adult” contest
The winners follow below the cut, including the winners of TEMPTED by P.C. and Kristin Cast! Also below the cut are instructions for what to do next.
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