Oct 31, 2011 23:57
Honestly i thought this Halloween was going to be pretty lax, chill, and unplanned. I show up at Caitlin’s house around 6, in my Chippendale stripper costume and Jhall, Caitlin, Jerry, and Charmara were there. Sitting around eating candy, just chillin out. Jhall dancing, grinding on charmara, me and caitlin setting up the fog machine, i was pretty excited. Eating candy we aren’t supposed to be, watching supernanny and thinking of what to do, Edgar shows up (dressed like a hobo). Trick-or-treaters show up, yay for the spirit of halloween. Caitlin likes to go all out for this, she’s the creative type. Cobwebs in the bushes, blow up spiders in the bushes, a mechanical glowing spider in the other bush, window decorations, a dangling chandelier, and now a fog machine. It was great. Jhall dressed as a hunch back using a balloon as his hump, trevor with a sheet over him, and char dressed as a.. well char, go around the cul de sac dancing and being funny as fuck.
Boredom sets in. “Guys lets go visit that abandoned insane asylum!”
Jhall, Me, Caitlin, Jerry, and Edgar walk to little cesears, char picks us up and takes us back to caitlin’s house. We separate into different cars. With me in the car w/ jhall, we lead the way to the abandoned house. Pulling into a nearby neighborhood, we all climb out of the cars. Noticing a “No Trespassing” Sign, we’re all very skeptical about it.
But in the back of my head i’m thinking “Fuck it, senior year, last halloween as a senior, what have i got to lose?”
Climbing over the barbed wire on the property w/ everyone else now. Having our phones out we could all feel the intensity in the air. The rush of something new, you know what that feels like? It’s amazing.
Finding a little garden “Oh i bet this is where the crazy people came and just looked at the garden” is what jerry says. Disappointed, we walk around the house and look for another way in the house. Finding most of the doors being boarded up, we finally find one board that is loose enough to tear off.
“C’mon nick, just rip it off!” Fuck it, i rip the wood off, and the door opens up.
Everyone is quiet. With our phones off, i lead the way into the white abandoned house by the woods. Char grabbing edgar by his waist, me leading the line, jhall and jerry in the back some where, and caitlin and trevor following close by, we finally get inside the house.
The first room is a bathroom, with a fairly big mirror “We HAVE to play bloody mary when we leave.” Continuing through the house, we find a living room, the house is in terrible condition. It’s evident it has been left alone for quite some time. Soft carpet, hollow and weak walls, foggy mirrors, it just felt weird. The smell, it smelled of mold. As i’m walking through this house, leading the group in the back of my head i’m thinking “I’m trespassing, i have a misdemeanor, i can go to jail, i’m 17, this is my last halloween as a senior.”
Fuck it. Walking past the first living room we come to a fairly larger living room, drapes on the floor, a white cup with old beer in it, we come to a consensus that teenagers come here to drink. “Dude now we have a place to drink and stash our alcohol!”
There’s this long hallway. “That’s some grudge shit right there.” With our phones out, everyone expecting the worst, we walk down the hallway. With about five separate bedrooms on our left, and cubbys and drawers and closets to our right we walk down the spooky yet exciting hallway. Noticing the electrical room to our right, we find the dining room. Mirrors everywhere, another living room to our left and the kitchen in front of us. Bored and with nothing to do, we turn around and go out the way we came in.
Stopping in the first bathroom Me, Edgar, Caitlin, Trevor, and Charamra agree to try out bloody mary. With jhall and jerry pussying out, they leave and wait outside. Closing the door, turning off our phones i can finally explain the rules.
As custom we repeat “Bloody mary” three times, and expect the worst. Trevor with the farting noises, edgar shaking, and caitlin holding onto my arm i’m not thinking about bloody mary, i’m thinking “Wow these are my friends. My best fucking friends.” and then i realized that it didn’t matter what we were doing, whether it was shitting our pants because of the scary atmosphere, and whether it was watching project runway. these are my best friends.
Disappointed because of a lack Bloody Mary’s presence, we leave the house. “We should of brought the Ouijia Board!”
“Let’s do it.”
Returning back to caitlin’s house, we scoop out five candles, and the board.
Returning back to the house, as we’re parking we notice the house owners outside of their houses, arms crossed with this body language that shouted “FUCKING TEENAGERS, GODDAMNIT”
Fuck them.
We go back in the house, the way we came. Everything. It’s a little more scary now, ditching the phones as light we use candles. Walking the same way we did the first time, this time with the devil board and the candles.
Maybe it was the atmosphere, Halloween night, a school night, the stress, what we could be doing instead of this, the excitement of doing something we aren’t supposed to be, tresspassing, breaking the law, doing what is only done in movies.
“Dude what was that” Edgar and Jerry swore they heard something come from a cubby, with my candle i glance at it “fuck that man” and the three of us go back in the room that everyone was in. Not being able to hide a smile, we come to find out it was caitlin throwing a rock at the cubby.
Sitting in a circle, with the board in the middle of us, candles surrounding the board we each take turns to do the board. (Excluding trev, jhall and caitlin) Trying to be serious “The beyond,” It doesn’t work. Caitlin throwing rocks, me laughing, jhall staying quiet, and trevor on his phone we can’t seem to get it to work.
“maybe we should move rooms”
Caitlin making the initiation to move, we all stand up, with a candle in our hands and walk to the main living room towards the back of the house.
In the living room we find drops on the floor, deciding it’s not blood we continue into the room. Finding dog shit on the floor, we’re deciding whether to leave or not.
“Dude what the fuck is that” “Are those sirens?” “What the fuck?” “Cops?!”
Jhall takes a look, “it’s the cops, we need to get the fuck out of here!”
If there was a light in the room, as soon as he stopped speaking words i could swear to you that all of us stopped breathing, my mouth dropped and without another hesitation i start giving orders. like what the fuck
“Blow out your fucking candles, set them here, shut the fuck up or i will goddam hit you in the fucking face and stand against that fucking wall”
I supposed i’m a gryfindor on the inside after all.
Everyone went from freaking out, cussing, scrambling to being bunched up on the wall. Quiet, nobody’s talking, it’s dark, we’re in an abandoned house and the cops are outside with flashlights walking the perimeter.
Jhall walks in the kitchen, everyone following we decide we need to get the fuck out. Finding a door, but me not being able to open it i start to panic just a tad. What if the cops catch me? What would i say? What would my mom think? Was she being serious when she said she ran from cops once? Was she feeling like this? Oh shit oh shit
oh shit.
oh shit.
oh shit.
jerry opening the door (thank god), we walk outside.
Crickets chirping, the moon out, darkness, and shadows of my friends we walk on the outside of the house.
I walk in front of the group to the gate and look to see if the cops are in front of the house, my heart rate is rising and rising, too high. This must be a runner’s high- i’m thinking.
Noticing flashlights next to us behind the house i tell the group “Run fast as fuck! Go!”
Everyone takes off. Jhall leading, and me behind i don’t look back. Is that bad?
I felt like i was in a movie. I’m running from the cops. I’m running from jail. Running, running.
Not even thinking about what i’m going to do after i get tired from running, i just do it. Crossing the barbed wire i see jhall in front of my.
Approaching jhall’s truck jerry and edgar are with us as well. “Where are caitlin and them?!” Jhall frantically asks
“They’re fine. It’s cool, just go! Drive!” Speeding the fuck out of that neighborhood, we all calm down just a bit.
Have you ever done that? Ran from the cops. With your best friends. Trespassing.
It may not seem like a big deal, but the rush. Just the excitement from being scared shitless, to out running police. It’s a big rush. You aren’t thinking about anything. Your mind goes blank, all you hear is the sound of leaves being crushed under your steps, your breathing in the back of your head, and your heart beat rising at a constant rate. You just run, arms chopping not looking back.
It’s a great rush. We arrive back at caitiln’s and brag to kyle’s friends.
My senior halloween was one well spent. Doing things on a whim, running from the police. These are my best friends. Real, down to earth, funny, these are what i look for in people, and goddamn i have some pretty good friends.
“In that moment, i swear we were infinite.”
^ Thank you Alaska for this quote.
good days