Nov 07, 2005 18:30

PLEASE help me solve this debate that Anthony and I are having. Here's my stand on the whole issue below. Let me know what you think.

Ok...Vampires vrs Zombies.

Zombies can go out at any time of the day and do not need anythign really to survive being already dead. Since their blood in dead they could not be turned into a vampire beacuse I've never seen a dead person be turned into a vampire in ANY movie and in INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE it is actually dangerious to drink the blood of the dead. Moving on - since it is therorized that what makes a zombie is carries through the blood it is safe to say that if a vampire bit a zombie it would turn into a zombie. Because the blood they drink provides their life force. So - even if the vapires managed to go out and turn a bunch of innocent bystanders into vampires so they could a bigger army - you'd still have to take into considderation that - unless dead - the wound a human recieves from a zombie takes time to spread to the point of noticing the infection and therefore the vapires would risk loosing their lives to zombie disease by biting innocent bystanders. However - Anthony seems to think that you can not infect a vapire because they are allready dead. However - I choose to argue against this because they need to drink bood and the disease to carried through the blood so wouldn't that infect them any how.

SO - if you would be so kind to leave me your thoughts on whom you feel would win this war - please do so now:
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