Nov 21, 2005 00:24
The Bad:
Working three 12 hour days in a row last week.
The Good:
Lots of overtime $$$
The Bad:
The sink pipes coming undone and gushing water everywhere at 11PM this evening
The Good:
Cleaning out all the crap under the sink
The Bad:
Did I mention the 12 hour days are being spent in the suburbs on an offsite spot assignment? Yeah, that means NO INTERNET for me to while my days away with
The Good:
Ummm, $$$?
The Bad:
Haven't really read LJ or checked my email for a while, feeling out of touch
The Good:
Peace of mind about online stuff, out of sight out of mind
One more long day in the burbs tomorrow and then hopefully I can return to my nice warm office where I can check my LJ and emails a million times a day as opposed to once every 5 days or so.