As the new year is fast approaching, I figured everyone could use a few more friends for the coming year! This is a small general meme, trying to focus more on personality as opposed to simply listing favorites. I find that similar qualities in people tend to work better than just liking the same shows.
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Comments 373
Name: Maggie
Age: 25
Location: NY
Beliefs (political/religious/etc.): atheist, liberal though not extremist.
Describe yourself in a few sentences: I’m a mid twenties gal trying to switch tracks in life. I have a bit of a contradictory personality: I am both driven, yet extremely prone to procrastination; I am considerate and understanding, but also really like things done my way; I’m both overly organized and not at all.
Anything you identify strongly with?: Not really. I tend to place pretty differently on all types of personality tests. Although, I think I am starting to settle on my Hogwarts House being Gryffindor.
Anything you'd like to add about yourself? I really love dogs. And owls.
Your hobbies/interests: writing (original, fanfic and RP), reading, learning (academic stuff), self improvement, cooking, art/art history, sewing, cosplaying, fashion, makeup, hiking, baths, music ( ... )
I tend to relate most to the characters who try to remain optimistic and kind despite bad situations, always trying to do the right thing no matter what.
Have you read The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison? That description made me think of the protagonist of that book a while lot.
Name: Flo
Age: 24
Location: NYC, NY
Beliefs (political/religious/etc.): Liberal, atheist or agnostic (not quite sure yet, so I tend to flip flop), also a huge believer in fiction and the power of musical theatre and music. If that counts for this question. :P
Describe yourself in a few sentences: I’m a Slytherin musical theatre & MCU geek who lives in the greatest city in the world. I work as a clinical research coordinator at a certain large hospital system in NYC. Andddd I spend too much time sorting people and characters into Hogwarts Houses.
Anything you identify strongly with?: I think being a Slytherin, a wild cat animagus, and being an ISTJ are my two biggest things I identify with. Also Amy Dunne being my spirit animal.
Anything you'd like to add? I like cats.
Your hobbies/interests: Musical theatre, writing fic (usually dystopic in some way), psychology, NYC, hot actresses, sci fi, crime shows, animals, reading
Fandoms: AoS/MCU, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Blindspot, Carmilla, Whedonverse (Firefly, Buffy, ( ... )
my thread is here, if you are interested i'd like to be friends!
Name: Andie
Age: 29
Location: Midwestern United States
Beliefs (political/religious/etc.): This is such a broad question I'm not sure how to begin tackling it, except to say that my beliefs are scattered all throughout my journal and anyone who is interested will probably have no difficulty sussing them out. If this prompt is meant to be used for the purposes of gatekeeping, though, I'll just go ahead and say that I'm politically quite liberal, and that while I was raised in the church, I can't really be fussed much about organized religion these days.
Describe yourself in a few sentences: I'm a family services worker with an Early Head Start program based out of a local nonprofit agency. I run our Prenatal program and work with parents of children from birth to age three. My job is to provide education on fetal and child development, and to oversee the educational, health, and social development of the individuals in the program, as well as assisting their families in accessing resources to help support them in making ( ... )
Most of your posts are: The majority of my journal entries are of a personal nature. I frequently discuss what's going on in my life either professionally or personally. I post photographs, and will sometimes make polls to satisfy my idle curiosity on random subjects. Sometimes I'll rant about things that are of importance to me, or ramble about my latest obsession.
How frequently you use LJ: It's been less frequent lately than I would prefer, but I'd say about once a week or so.
LJ pet peeves: It's not a pet peeve, but if you're someone who only really uses your journal to post fandom-related material, I probably won't have much to contribute, and will likely find myself skipping over journal entries unless they're about something I take a really great interest in.
Friending policy: My posts are locked by default, but I'm really not fussy. Please just comment if you're adding me. LiveJournal is notorious for not sending me those notifications. Also, if at any time you feel like we don't connect or you aren't interested ( ... )
Your .gif is so mesmerizing. Sign language is such a beautiful language. I'm hearing but it always fascinated meso I decided to learn it. Well the german one ;)
I'll add you right now!
Name: Lyssa
Age: Immortal Deity
Location: Houston
Beliefs (political/religious/etc.): I was raised Jewish, I married a catholic, we're both atheists, but we do like our holiday traditions, and if we ever have a kid, we're exposing it to both our religions. As for politics, I'm pretty liberal, but I also don't give a shit about politics.
Describe yourself in a few sentences: I'm a special ed teacher, who's a self-proclaimed crazy cat lady, from NJ, who moved to Texas to live with her math nerd boyfriend [now husband]. I miss snow and I despise the heat. I'm addicted to caffeine, Fire Emblem Awakening [my current game obsession], I want my own Tardis, I'm a slytherclaw [who leans more on the snake side of things], and if I was in the Star Wars universe, I'd be a Sith Lord.
Anything you identify strongly with?:(Hogwarts House, political belief, astrological sign, alignment, MBTI type, etc) Hogwarts wise, I think I'm very much a slytherclaw. I think I lean more snake than eagle, but I definitely have a lot of claw in me. I'm a ( ... )
I just pre-ordered Fire Emblem Fates: Birthrights and Conquest yesterday. I can't wait for February. It's always nice to meet other Fire Emblem fans.
We also have Pokemon and Final Fantasy in common. Friends?
and yes friends :)
Name: Nor
Age: 25
Location: NY
Beliefs (political/religious/etc.): Jewish AF, Democratic AF
Describe yourself in a few sentences: I am a barrel of laughs. Shipper trash. I have such a dirty mind sometimes. I cry over fictional characters. I love AUS. Uh its late so this is the best I can write HAHAHA.
Anything you identify strongly with?:Slytherin, ENFP, Taurus, Chaotic Good
Anything you'd like to add? I work at a dessert factory
Your hobbies/interests:Cosplay, Petting my Dog, Binging Netfix, Playing with Pop Funkos, Writing, Art, Art history
Fandoms: Star Wars, Stargate Atlantis, MCU, Agents of Shield, Sense8, The 100, Person of Interest, Doctor Who, Hawaii Five-0, Flarrow
Ships: Biggest Ships at the Moment Coulson/May, Clint/Natasha, Han/Leia, Rey/Finn, Olicity, Steggy, Sam/Steve, Bellarke, Princess Mechanic, 12 x River
Current Obsession?: I am currently in Star Wars Mode. I am most obsessed with the father and mother of all your Ships Han Solo/Leia Organa cause they are the father and mother of all your ships ( ... )
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