Hi -- I just discovered this community by accident and I can't tell you how thrilled I am to find it. As it would happen, I play Tonks in
an RPG and we've got a really great Bill/Tonks ship going there, mostly started by me. I haven't gotten around to writing any fic based on my own views of how they got together but I think they're an awesome
I honestly thought I was the *only* Bill/Tonks shipper out there -- this is way cool.
I like my Bill that I play with. Tonks amuses me. She tries to be sexy and fails horribly. :D
My Tonks can be sexy when she wants but I play her (and write her) as a bit of a tom boy who can't be bothered with being girlie most of the time and gets very confused by it. Luckily Bill loved her/is attracted to her for more than just the physical stuff although she does drive him crazy sometimes.
Which RPG do you play her in?
That's funny, my Bill is a girl too it's also funny that my Bill converted me to Bill/Tonks. But she's the only shipper of Bill/Tonks on AOL. That's okay I suppose, I have other ships with Tonks than just Bill like Tonks/Charlie or Kingsley/Tonks.
Mostly on AOL and in the chatrooms. There's one or two SL's that I'm in, but right now I can't say that they are particularly stellar.
I really really hate Fleur.
Oh god, please not Percy. ::shudders:: I mean the only worse pairings out there are Draco/Tonks and Harry/Tonks, egads. Tonks didn't do anything to deserve Percy.
I hope it's Charlie, if Bill really is taken. Since it was the twins who stated it, they could have been exagerating but I think it's unlikely since Fleur was admiring Bill in GoF.
You're probably right. I just tend to dislike that sort of person in general and so it spills over even to characters. If she winds up in the OoTP before the end of the books, she might redeem herself for me. Still, it's kind of squicky that Ron fancied her too.
Grrr, I really should have logged the play where Bill took Tonks to see some miniature dragons underneath Gringotts. Afterwerds they talked about different types of snogging, flirted! and he then asked her out. It was very cute and the player and I could have edited into a story. Blast.Damn. that would've been fun to read. I'm trying to work on a ficlet challenge about Tonks and Quidditch that actually would tie in to my version of Bill/Tonks relationship but like most things, I'll be lucky if it sees ( ... )
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