Dear Ante Up Marmoset (or whatever animal you feel like being)

Oct 15, 2012 16:36

I like stuff.

I am exceptionally fond of The Losers canon (movie more than comic but the comic's got its merits) and fandom and have greatly enjoyed participating in the
ante_up_losers exchanges the past two winters and the Big Bang this summer--I feel like the challenges have the same kind of quirky irreverent 'splodey spirit as the source material.

I've left my requests pretty open this year. I've said in previous Ante Up letters that the quick way to my heart is with "characters who are kinky, consensually non-monogamous, queer or otherwise sexually non-normative, and who accept this about themselves and are happy about it (at least most of the time/by the end of the story). I have a particular affinity for bi/pansexual/queer poly switches, but I don't mind characters who are monogamously partnered and at one end of the Kinsey or D/s spectrums. I'm especially fascinated by finding kinky angles into practices and relationships that might look hegemonic and vanilla to an unknowing observer, so it would be especially neat to see something playing with that. All that said, I do not require or prefer either porn or 'ships of any kind: give me gen in which characters just happen to be queer, non-monogamous or kinky; give me non-erotic friendships between such characters, or non-romantic sexual/play relationships--I adore characters loving each other without being ~in love~." Particular favourite kinks or sexual/social activities include explicit consent, cuddling/snuggling (physical intimacy, comforting touch, hair-stroking and headskritches and other kinds of allogrooming, hugs, spooning, affectionate headbutts, etc.), rough body play (punching, pinching, kicking/kneeing, biting, clothes-ripping, etc.), mutable power dynamics (switches playing together, competing for dominance, topping from the bottom), hand kink, and squirting.

I'm also a knitter, a cyclist, and a yoga practitioner, and would be just as thrilled with something exploring one of these other passions as with something kinky (even better if you can find a way to combine them with kink).

Oh--I ticked the "any" box for relationships in my sign-up, and I am open to anything you want to create, but my preference is for Clay and Roque to be with each other or in crossover pairings rather than with any of the other "good" characters (Aisha, Cougar, Jensen, Jolene, Pooch, Jensen's sister), whom I enjoy in pretty much any combination (not keen on direct Jencest, but Jake and his sister sharing a partner concurrently or consecutively is fine).

Speaking of crossovers, I'm a big fan of them (especially between silly action movies, e.g., Death Proof, Machete, Red, etc., or I'm currently on a British detective kick with a specific fascination for Luther, Lewis, and Scott & Bailey), fusions (Predators fusion? Yes please!), and AUs (go western! go noir! go magical realism! go space opera! go . . . Muppets? IDK, I think it could work). I should also mention that I have an open policy on transformative works, so if you'd like to illustrate, podfic, remix, or otherwise transform anything I've posted at the AO3 (
theleaveswant, including remixing non-Losers works with Losers characters, go right ahead.

That's about all I can think to say right now . . . I'll try to make any edits before the end of sign-ups. If you've got any questions you're welcome to leave them here (I think anonymous commenting is turned on) or send me an anon message on tumblr.

ETA: Also music festivals and theatre companies. I would love to see the Losers at some kind of music festival (I'm most familiar with the Canadian folk circuit), in the audience or on- or backstage as performers or volunteers, either as an AU, on a mission, or just because, and I'd love just as much to see them undercover or AU-ified/in a Slings & Arrows fusion infiltrating/operating a theatre group (and if you're going to bring Shakespeare into it, my favourite play is Much Ado).

And I said this in my AO3 sign-up but should probably put it here for potential treat-makers: I have serious triggers around substance use/abuse and emotionally manipulative abusive relationships, so if you want to include these things in works you'd like me to read/view please tag for them so I can gird myself and I'd much rather you didn't present them in a positive light.

ETA2: I want to repeat the words "western AU", because I feel like this would be a beautiful thing, whether it's a variation on the classic "dusty stranger shakes up life in small frontier town" scenario, touring with Cody's Wild West show, hunting outlaws or being hunted as same, a western-inspired contemporary piece, or anything drawing on this setting/aesthetic and its attendant cache of tropes.

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