Kink Bingo fill: multifandom vid for prompt: drugs/aphrodisiacs

Jan 06, 2012 19:08

Title: Jealous of Your Cigarette
Music: "Jealous of Your Cigarette" by Hawksley Workman
Length: 2:35
Video source(s): *deep breath* Better Than Chocolate, Black Snake Moan, Blade Runner, Bound, Charlie's Angels, Clay Pigeons, Confidence, Death Proof, Dirty Pretty Things, Domino, Eastern Promises, Fight Club, Gattaca, Ginger Snaps, Grease, Hard Core Logo, Heathers, Kalifornia, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Men with Brooms, New Waterford Girl, Out of Sight, Planet Terror, Prey for Rock & Roll, Pulp Fiction, Push, Reservoir Dogs, Secretary, Shortbus, Smokin' Aces, St. Trinian's, Strange Days, Stranger Than Fiction, Suspicious River, The Usual Suspects, Walk the Line, Watchmen, Wilby Wonderful, Women in Trouble, X-Men, X-Men 2: X-Men United, Young People Fucking . . . I think that's all of them?
Character(s): um . . . lots
Kink(s): drugs/aphrodisiacs
Summary: Frenetic multi-fandom vid of smoking (mostly cigarettes, some spliffs and cigars) in Western/English-language (mostly North American) feature films


How does a lifetime non-smoker and longtime anti-smoking nag reconcile knowing the dangers and hating the smell of tobacco smoke with finding the visual and auditory sensory dimensions (at least on film) painfully sexy? I still don't know.
Notes: Contains some shots of underage or canonically related characters that were not necessarily originally sexual but appear sexualized in this context; a few shots of self-harm with lighters or lit things (or many, if you count inhaling carcinogens etc.); various nonconsensual actions (blowing smoke in someone's face, taking away their cigarette, shaking them, lighting a cigarette off their burning hand, etc.). Also lots of quick cuts, sped-up clips, flares of light, and some specifically NSFW images and audio. Basically, ALL THE NOTES.
I was going to wait to post this with the other vids I'm making for that line (yes I am going for a five vid line during amnesty) but looked at the project again tonight while finishing my Festivid and decided it was ready to post. Did not know how to remove letterboxing when I was clipping for this video, not going to go back and correct it now. Big thanks to everybody who suggested sources for me to look at, and know that if your suggestion did not make it in it's not because it wasn't good (I just hit and then fell over the point of TOO MUCH SOURCE).

password: smokeit
Jealous of Your Cigarette from The Leaves Want on Vimeo.

Download: 158MB mpg here

Mia Wallace: Could you, um, roll me one of those, cowboy?
Vince Vega: You can have this one, cowgirl.
Mia: Thanks.
[click of a lighter; music begins]

No muscle man, no candy cane, no pack of sexy starving wolves
No money-talking, moonlight-walking, lady-shocking, big cold-cocking
Those ladybugs can go to blazes, here and there go pretty faces
All of this don't mess my stuff and only one thing got me hot:

I'm jealous of your cigarette
And all the things you do with it
I'm jealous of your cigarette
And the pleasure that you get from it, and not me
And all this time you're talking, oh

No king, no prince, with gold ring trinkets, I suggest that we do something kinky
No pilot flying private plane to smooch you on the hills of Spain
No catapult to all-night kisses, that old thing just always misses
And all of this don't mess my stuff and only one thing got me hot!

I'm jealous of your cigarette
And all the things you do with it
I'm jealous of your cigarette
And how you wanna suck on it, and not me
All this time you're talking, oh

All this time you're talking, oh

I'm jealous of your cigarette (jealous, jealous, jealous)
I'm jealous of your cigarette (jealous, jealous, jealous)
I'm jealous of your cigarette (I'm really jealous boy)
I'm jealous of your cigarette (I'm really jealous boy)
I'm jealous of your cigarette, ah ha ha
I'm jealous of your cigarette (I'm really jealous boy) ooh
I'm jealous of your cigarette, ah ha ha
I'm jealous of your cigarette (I'm really jealous boy) ooh
I'm jealous of your cigarette [fades out, repeating]

Tyler Durden: A nice, big cock

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fandom, vidding, kink bingo, film/tv, kink

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