Kink Bingo fill: Bronson vid for prompt: caged/confined

Jun 09, 2011 03:19

Title: Before I Knew
Music: "Before I Knew" by Basia Bulat
Length: 1:22
Video source(s): Bronson (2008)
Character(s): Michael Peterson aka Charlie Bronson
Kink(s): caged/confined
Summary: Charlie <3s Prison
Notes: Brief violence (very minimal given the source material; basically I cut around all the punching and beating with batons and this is what was left over); no other standard content notes apply. Edit 25/06/11: new version posted, fixed some transitions I wasn't happy with before. Concrit is still appreciated.

16MB .wmv file: Download (I can upload other/more compressed formats on request)

image Click to view

[pre-song dialogue:
voice of warden (off-screen): What is it you want now?
Bronson: Music.]

Oh it was the first time I fell in love
the first time I felt my heart
it was the first time I sang out loud all through the night

but before I knew it, I was lost
before I knew, I was a prisoner
and I just can't find a way to make it right

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vidding, kink bingo

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