I went and hung out with my girlfriend (in the in the girl's night out, do each other's hair and talk about boys sense) today and saw Night At the Museum in the cheap theater. It was better than I expected, and certainly worth $1.50.
Her husband has a
blog in comic form. Or maybe it's a comic in blog form. Whichever. It's strange reading a web comic about people I actually know.
I slept for 12 hours last night, so I feel rested for the first time in a couple weeks. It's so odd for it to be 10 pm and I'm not exhausted. My SO, however, slept like crap and is asleep now. This is preventing me from turning on the lights and beginning my next knitting project. There's nothing like not being able to cast on that makes me feel like I have to be knitting OMGrightnow!