Post a list of all your roleplaying journal names and explain what the names mean, if anything.
And I did ALL of them (except one). In alphabetic order even.
- ageniusbutajerk - For Palom in destiny_odyssey. This version was from The After Years. Not a great game, but I appreciated the update Palom got if nothing else. The journal name is based off an old saying of mine when I was a kid: "I'm a genius, but I'm a jerk."
- angry_bodyguard - For Samus in shukusei_rpg. He's the bodyguard of Lilly Pendragon and her antics make her angry.
- bananaplease - For Mike Jones from subspace_rpg. I don't know where the "please" comes in, but he sticks bananas in his ears to ward off Zoda's spell in StarTropics.
- bass_n_treble - For Bass from subspace_rpg. His sidekick wolf-bot is named Treble. Was part of a set of characters roll_n_tango and rock_n_rush.
- beauty_unending - For Queen Zeal from war_for_ivalice. She was obsessed with her own beauty and with immortality.
- belnadeswitch - For Yoko Belnades from subspace_rpg. She's a witch, Harry!
- berning_passion - For Vaida (Fire Emblem) from subspace_rpg. A pun on her homeland of Bern.
- black_dragmire - For Ganondorf in the_telos. I randomly decided to have all my characters have colors in their names. The name "Dragmire" was invented by the writers of the English instruction manual for A Link to the Past.
- bright_knight - For Futch in shukusei_rpg. His dragon is named Bright and he's also a knight. And they rhyme.
- byrde_watcher - For Victor Kudo from gyakusai_rp. He's a perverted old man who feeds birds in the park. He also enjoys spying on the waitress Maggie Byrde in the nearby diner.
- cantfunkthat - For Funky Kong from subspace_rpg. A take off from the song "Can't Touch This". I think.
- catchthatultima - For Guile from war_for_ivalice. In the RP, he's a blue mage obsessed with gathering spells, kind of like a Pokemon Trainer...
- commander_max - For Max from subspace_rpg. He's a military commanding officer.
- dartinreallife - For Dart (Fire Emblem) from subspace_rpg. His real name is revealed to be Dan, making it a play off the movie "Dan in Real Life".
- deepest_digger - For Twaikin in shukusei_rpg. He likes to dig.
- detective_slate - For Slate in shukusei_rpg. He's a detective.
- distantglory - For the Warrior of Light from FF1/Dissidia in destiny_odyssey. I named him Wilhelm, but his journal name is from a mode in Dissidia... that has nothing to do with him.
- doctor_caulder - For Doctor Caulder in subspace_rpg. 'nuff said.
- elite_seadragon - For Drake (Pokemon) from subspace_rpg. A play off of the common naming convention used for Elite Four characters in the RP.
- epic_hair_toss - For Winston Payne in gyakusai_rp. It's a reference to his amazing hair in Apollo Justice, where one of his animations has him tossing his hair in epic fashion.
- erkindanger - Not actually one of my journals, but one created by hachifusayuber for Ace in shukusei_rpg (whom I eventually took over). In the game, he writes a series of stories starring "Erk" who constantly gets in danger.
- fleeting_feet - For Stallion in shukusei_rpg. He's a speedster that's quick on his feet. His ability makes it easier to escape in battle (I think).
- for_the_king - For Royce in shukusei_rpg. His name was a take off of Samu's character, save_the_king.
- gerudoking - For Ganondorf from subspace_rpg. He's the king of the Gerudo.
- greenhill_flirt - For Nina in shukusei_rpg. She's a 16 year old girl who crushes on older bishie men and she lives in Greenhill.
- helio_eccentric - For Barkus Desmont in memoriesofmana. He was an astronomy professor that was a little crazy. It's a play off of "Heliocentric" combined with "Eccentric".
- highwind_vii - For Cid Highwind in war_for_ivalice. His last name is Highwind and he's in Final Fantasy VII.
- ifyoureallytry - Odessa in shukusei_rpg (and later an OC in WFI). Failing to think of a good username, I ended up registering the name of a meme from the OGs on my forum. "If You Really Try" was inserted at every possible opportunity in the "Member OG" series as a memetic mutation of an in-joke.
- johtopride - For Gold (Pokemon) from subspace_rpg. It was a take off of Samu's character Dawn (sinnohchamp), only he's from Johto.
- knightofsands - For Minwu from war_for_ivalice. In the RP, he was a Paladin who hailed from the desert regions.
- koopaprince - For Bowser Jr. from subspace_rpg. He's the prince of the koopas and his name is a take off from his father's previous journal, koopaking.
- lastzebesian - For Ridley from subspace_rpg. His species is Zebesian and he is the last of his kind. More commonly this is misread as "last lesbian" which has been a source of endless amusement.
- ladyofmarshes - For Sabrina from subspace_rpg. Beating her in Pokemon earns you the Marsh badge.
- lividtwin - For Claus (Mother 3) in subspace_rpg. His brother's LJ name was timidtwin.
- lost_silverberg - For Rikimaru in some RPG. It didn't quite get to work out, but he was a joke character playing off the idea that Rikimaru is the missing Silverberg, Richard.
- lizard_warrior - Shiba in shukusei_rpg. He's a giant lizard who kills people.
- moonlightoutlaw - For Samurai Goroh from subspace_rpg. This title is given to him during his ending video in F-Zero GX.
- mr_avalanche - For Barret Wallace from war_for_ivalice. He led AVALANCHE in FF7.
- muscle_head - For Sabin Figaro from war_for_ivalice. Muscle Head is what Ultros called him.
- not_a_cowboy - For Virgil in memoriesofmana. For his PB, I used Jake from Phoenix Wright. Virgil was actually a ninja, despite his manner of dress.
- ocean_howl - For Jervis in memoriesofmana. He was a literal sea dog.
- ostian_spirit - For Lilina from subspace_rpg. Her father's journal was ostian_might.
- pirate_brandeau - For Brandea in shukusei_rpg. He's a pirate.
- pirate_dragon - I created this journal for Ridley in the myriad_dreams. I posted with him once, but it turned out I hadn't actually been accepted. Ridley is a space pirate that looks like a dragon.
- prometheus_core - For Robo in war_for_ivalice. His 'real' name is Prometheus and in the RP, his care was a very important part of him.
- punished_claw - For Graham Cray in shukusei_rpg. I never got to use him for more than one post. Cray cut off his hand to get rid of the Punishment Rune and replaced it with a claw.
- rejecht - This one is for Jecht from FFX. I should have went for rejechtdad for the full effect, but this was just as well. Created for destiny_odyssey
- red_nanaki - Originally created this for tantalus_rp, used it in the_telos. This journal is for Red XIII, who is also known as Nanaki. Self explanatory.
- rocks4breakfast - For Darunia from subspace_rpg. A parody of the Reeses Cereal commercial, "Reeses for breakfast!?"
- rogue_arrogance - For Colm from subspace_rpg. One of his class changes is "Rogue" and he's an arrogant jackass.
- rosyrupeelass - For Pinkle in subspace_rpg. Her name is a play off the title of the game "Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland".
- silver_elite - This was for Sephiroth in destiny_odyssey where sadly I never got much of a chance to use him. The name comes from his fanclub in Crisis Core called the Silver Elites.
- smarterthanval - For Bernie in shukusei_rpg. samuraimarmoset played his counterpart character Val, whose name was betterthanbern.
- st_artemis - For Tasha (Battle Clash) in subspace_rpg. Her "giant robot" is called the ST Artemis. (ST stands for Standing Tank).
- stachedcrusader - Barbarossa in shukusei_rpg. He has a mustache and he's kind of a crusader. The name is a parody of Batman, "The Caped Crusader".
- sunset_kid - For Sunset Kid from war_for_ivalice. Do I need to explain this one?
- the_purple_wind - For Wario from subspace_rpg (and the_telos). Wario calls himself this in Wario: Master of Disguise after getting the want Goodstyle.
- theshoveller - For Twaikin in some other RPG. In this case, it's a reference to the movie Mystery Men.
- torn_duty - For Roon in memoriesofmana. He was conflicted between his duties and beliefs. Meh.
- usebombswisely - For Peppy Hare from subspace_rpg. "Doabarrellroll" was already taken.
- uwerethechosen1 - For Zelos Wilder from subspace_rpg. He's the Chosen of his world, so it's a play off of Obi-Wan's line in Episode 3: "You were the chosen one!"
- vampy_neclord - The first character I actually was able to completely RP as. I wasn't very original back then, so Neclord ended up with this in shukusei_rpg.
- vonslashenstein - For Slash (Chrono Trigger) in war_for_ivalice. It's a nonsensical name that was part of his title in the RP.
- wunderkind_lash - For Lash (Advance Wars) from subspace_rpg. She's described in the game as a wunderkind.
- yellodellogirl - For Selphie from war_for_ivalice. Her yellow dress is pretty weird, but the name is a reference to the Yello Dello from Homestar Runner.